
Fishing | Page 34

  • Travel Community Fishing

    Four refuges to add to your summer bucket list

    As you make your to-fish-list for the summer, don’t overlook these hidden gems.

    As the days get longer and the weather warms up, it’s natural to feel excited to go outside and float rivers, fish streams, and hike trails. No matter what part of the country you live in, there’s always a new place to explore. Although they are sometimes overlooked, we recommend visiting a National Wildlife Refuge…

  • Fishing

    Trout Unlimited Alaska Hosts Annual Armed Forces Fishing Trip

    It is with great excitement that we announce the 2022 Trout Unlimited and Kinross Fort Knox Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip on Willow Creek with FishHound Expeditions!  

    Apply today to join us for a day of fishing during July!   Last fall, 14 veteran or active-duty members of the Armed Forces in Alaska congregated at Bing’s Landing in Sterling, Alaska for a day chasing wild rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, and silver salmon on the famed Kenai River. The complimentary trip was the…

  • Boats

    Everyone rows

    Reminders can be a pain. I certainly understand. If you’re anything like me, you lean on the ignore side of reminders more than the take action side. But there are some reminders that simply should not be ignored and when it comes to safety, we should all listen. We raft with a lot of different…

  • Special Places Conservation Trout Talk

    Giving Pebble the Boot

    Korkers wading boot supports the next chapter of conservation in Bristol Bay Korkers has designed a limited-edition pair of Devil’s Canyon wading boots with Trout Unlimited in support of permanent and durable safeguards Bristol Bay, and 35% of profits will be donated to TU’s Save Bristol Bay campaign. Purchase yours here. For the past two…

  • Trout Talk

    Is it time to ramp up?

    Yes, our rivers are crowded. Here’s one idea for helping create more space on the water. I don’t know many anglers who would argue against public access. I sure won’t. As more families and individuals discover the magic of fishing—often for reasons far more important than the act of pulling on fish —it stands to…

  • TU Costa 5 Rivers Fishing

    A passion, a hobby, an art, a sport

    At TU's Costa 5 Rivers Meetup in Wisconsin, students learn why fishing and conservation go hand in hand Editor’s note: Student anglers recently converged on Wisconsin’s Driftless region for a weekend of fly fishing, camaraderie, and volunteerism at the Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers Midwest Meet-Up. The following article was written by Linnea Turner for…

  • Boats

    Check out the ‘whitewater Porsche’

    The "Gunnimoon" is done!  On top of that, it has already completed its maiden voyage, a 20 day trip down the Grand Canyon.

    Unique new two-person dory gets christened in the Grand Canyon Back in January we introduced you to Justin Gallen at Raindog Boatworks. Justin, a newer member of the extremely small custom dory-building world, let us follow along as he designed and built what amounts to my dream boat. A design that, while not silly, is…