
Fishing | Page 38

  • Trout Talk

    The five elements of a great fishing day

    Experience all five of those things together on the same day, and that’s my “trophy” experience.

    One of the special things about fishing is that it matters to different people in different ways for different reasons.  While we all might agree that any day on the water is a great day, I’ve come to believe there are five certain elements that, when added together, equal the best and most memorable fishing…

  • Boats

    The Thalweg: Already Dreaming of Summer

    Twelve images that instantly bring me back to boats, rivers, and of course fishing. I hope you agree.

    Or at the very least Spring… Here on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains it seems as if Winter has not yet arrived. We’ve had precious little moisture and my last float was incredibly just a few weeks ago.  The dory is now finally wrapped for the Winter, and the rafts are put away…

  • Boats

    The Thalweg – Best of 2021

    Boats. There’s something about them that continues to instill wonder in anglers and recreational users across the country. In 2021, we took a chance and started The Thalweg on Trout Unlimited’s digital magazine. We didn’t know where we’d end up, but the truth of the matter is we didn’t care either. Casual conversations about technique,…

  • Trout Talk

    Finding an old friend on a new hunt

    If you board a jet in Anchorage, Alaska and fly southeast for three hours you can land in Seattle, Washington. Fly three hours southwest and you end up in Adak, a remote island in Alaska’s Aleutian chain.  Adak is equidistant from Seattle and Tokyo. It is 274 square miles of treeless tundra that’s constantly battered…

  • Snake River dams Fishing Fly tying steelhead

    Tying the Steelhead Coachman

    If you were to look in the box of a seasoned steelheader on the banks of the Snake, Grande Ronde or Clearwater chances are good you'll find.

    I can distinctly remember the first few flies I started fishing with. As I would imagine the case is with many people, that selection of a dozen flies was a 'who's who' of the classics. The Adams, Elk-hair Caddis, Muddler Minnow, Pheasant Tail, and Royal Wulff seem almost like names from scripture in the pantheon…

  • Boats Fishing Gear reviews

    Holiday Gifts for River Rats

    Because you’re here reading this, you’re more than likely into fishing… and boats. Probably both! This guide to last-minute gift ideas was compiled by TU’s resident filmmaker and boat driver Josh Duplechian and our at-large photographer/oarsman Tim Romano. While it’s short on fishing gear, it’s long on accessories that make any boat lover happy. Costa…

  • Trout Talk

    Trekking into a Tongass wilderness

    The Forest Service's Roadless Rule makes this possible: Amazing fishing for trout and salmon in an old growth forest Like others before it, the trail eventually petered out. And, like we had done before, Chris Hunt, Sam Davidson and I huddled to talk about our options. Someone said, “The road should be that direction so…