How to store your boat outside in the winter
Even with the frame, you should always pitch a high point in the center of the boat to promote drainage off the tarp from rain and melting springtime snow. Poking a hole in the center of the low point of the tarp will allow the snow melt to escape. (Do not follow this last suggestion if your boat is not self bailing)
It’s about this time of year when I start thinking about where and how I’m going to store my boat(s) for the winter. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still got some stuff planned, but winter can come literally any day now in my neck of the woods and seeing as climate controlled storage space is…
Books: The Orvis Guide to the Essential American Flies
Originally printed in 2011, and including a foreword by the late Lefty Kreh, this book drills down on 20 patterns
I was delighted to receive an advance paperback copy of The Orvis Guide to the Essential American Flies by Tom Rosenbauer, because it just snowed for the first time this fall and as such, I’m about to enter what I call “tying season.” And when I tie, I like to focus on the basics, spinning…
What’s the greatest fly-fishing technological advance in the last 75 years?
While fly fishing is still a very traditional sport involving simple tools—primarily a stick and a string—there have been a number of technological advances that transformed the sport. What would you rank as the most significant, say from your grandparents’ era to present? No doubt, graphite materials and space-age resins have changed fly rods dramatically,…
Red Rock Lakes shows off its fish and wildlife conservation values
Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be easier if all public lands were just lumped together. I mean, who can keep straight national forests, wildlife refuges, national parks, national preserves, national monuments, national lakeshores, BLM lands—it can all be a bit much to keep track of! But then you experience a place like Red Rock…
Idaho’s bull trout persevere as search for other precious resources continues
Mining in the Yellow Pine pit began in 1938 and has blocked fish passage to the upper stretches of the river ever since. Photo by Daniel A. Ritz Editor’s note: Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to accomplish the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge. He will…
Everything you wanted to know: bull trout
Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Species summary and status: The bull trout was once found throughout the Columbia River Basin, east to western Montana, south to northern Nevada, west to California and possibly as far north as southeastern Alaska. The main populations remaining in the lower 48 states are in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, with…
How to use your oars
Learning new rowing skills is key to helping boaters grow and become more adept on the water
I know… the title of this post seems silly. One would think it's pretty straight forward, and it is. Until, you start learning new specialized techniques and pushing yourself into more difficult whitewater situations. Or maybe you're are just starting out rowing. It's always nice to have some basic information to rely on. While we…