
Fishing | Page 50

  • Boats Featured

    When in doubt, scout it out

    There comes a time in our rowing careers where we find a groove. We've been there and rowed that many times over the course of 10 years or more. That experience level may make us more proficient at rowing trickier water but it can also make us all a bit overconfident which can lead to…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    The best month of the year

    So… if I could pick one month to fish anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, it would start now….  This is what I consider the “golden month.” Granted, it isn’t a “calendar” month, per se, but it is the best month to be a die-hard angler, in many places in America. Mid-September to mid-October. This is…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Fooling Dollies with dancing streamers

    All trout and char, to some extent, are predators — even the little fish that swim in small water and eat virtually nothing but insects. But there are true predators in the salmonid world, and these are the fish that make fly fishers tremble. They're big browns that feed on smaller fish and, during the…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    A few deep thoughts on fly fishing

    What’s it going to take to convince the millions of anglers who found rivers these past few years that “how” is more important than “how many” and is that even possible?

    Is it fair to assume that fly fishing is to positive mental health what running or biking is to cardio health? I think so. And if any of you docs or researchers out there want to add to the conversation, I’m all ears, and want to do a deep-dive story. I’m not of native-American ancestry. But my ancestors…

  • Boats Featured

    Bring your snorkel

    Getting up close and personal with Green River trout The beauty of being perched on a boat headed downstream is the unique ability to see into the water below. Each Labor Day, our family and friends like to float Utah’s famous Green River below the Flaming Gorge dam. Often dubbed the “Aquarium,” the crystal-clear waters…