onX works for boating and fishing too
I’m guessing that by now most of you have heard of a super handy GPS mapping app called onX. It was developed mainly for hunting many years ago and originally used physical cards you inserted into a GPS. Fast forward a decade and it’s the #1 Hunting GPS App you can buy on your smartphone.…
Fishing the pegged bead
It's the pegged bead — the target of much derision from the purist crowd, but an oft-used technique to catch big trout and char when salmon eggs are in the water
A nice Dolly Varden that fell for a pegged bead. Chris Hunt photo. The ethics and the logic examined Fly fishing is a craft that appeals to the purist in all of us — the notion that fooling a fish by casting something that resembles that animal's natural food source without resorting to bait is…
Five tips to land trout in a timely manner
Fact: the faster you land a fish, the better the odds of survival. Here are five tips to help you turn a 15-round heavyweight boxing natch into a shorter, tougher MMA fight... and win more often than not. — Use 5X or stronger tippet. I know, there are times when you really feel fine 7X tippet…
From the TU forum to a real-life fishing trip
Ken Deaver shows his new fishing buddy, Jim Aylsworth, where to cast on a small headwater stream in Montana. Jim Aylsworth photo. The older I get the more I appreciate a good friend. A recent study by Dr. Marisa Franco published in Psychology Today concluded men have fewer close friends in comparison to women. For several years, I have participated in an online…
Four days in heaven
Explore your surroundings ... and don't forget to pack your fly rod In my little microcosm of the Mountain West, we've been blessed with an impressive monsoon season this year. With all the doom and gloom of the drought, wildfires and effects of climate change, it is nice to be reminded that sometimes weather does…
All you wanted to know: Redband trout
Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss sub-species) Species summary and status: Redband trout are subspecies of rainbow trout and exist in two well-defined geographic regions. The Columbia River redband trout is found in Montana, Washington, and Idaho, and the Great Basin redband trout is found in southeastern Oregon and parts of California and Nevada. The redband is similar…
Keep ice for drinks all week long with this tip
Summer river trips, particularly in the desert southwest where our family and friends enjoy playing, can be scorching hot. Sometimes so hot that all you can do to escape is dunk yourself into the 50 degree water passing by your boat to cool off. However, my mind tends to wander directly to iced beverages and…