Five reasons you should be fishing lakes today
Fishing stillwater for trout is so good for you, and good for your game, on so many levels. But many anglers don’t bother. Here are five reasons to go jump in a lake (or at least fish from the shore 1. Knowledge You learn things you don’t often learn on the river. Making casts so…
Finding trout ‘hiding’ in plain sight
Remember the approach we took as kids when fishing? “The big ones are all out in the middle.” So we’d cast as far as we could because, well, we wanted to reach the fish that no one else could. We know now that such an approach is (usually) misguided on a literal level, but it’s…
‘Anglers Driving Change’ highlights the passion for wild rivers
I'm gonna deviate today slightly from the boat rhetoric and throw something out there that is important, incredibly powerful to watch and features one of TU's own. I think we can all agree that "fly fishing is about so much more than pulling on fish," like Kirk Deeter says, or rowing a boat (hard for…
Invest in a simple rod holder and stop breaking fly rods
I didn’t start really breaking fly rods until I got a boat. Sounds funny but it’s true. Boats, moving water, kids, dogs and fragile fly rods don’t always go well together. My wife has plenty of good ideas and often sees things happening before they actually happen. I believe that her perceptive personality could be…
Excuse me… just slamming through
Owen Prettyman fishing a small creek while attempting to complete his Utah Cutthroat Slam with a Bonneville cutthroat trout. Daniel A. Ritz photo. Making memories to last a lifetime in Utah Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge,…
Everything you wanted to know: bonneville cutthroat trout
Bonneville cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah) Species summary and status: The State Fish of Utah, the Bonneville cutthroat was historically found in the Bonneville Basin, including suitable habitat within Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada. Although scientists believed pure strains of Bonneville cutthroat were extinct, a few isolated populations were discovered in Utah in the 1970s and…
The most over-the-top drift boat ever?
Did the headline grab you? Good, because this might be a slight exaggeration. Or maybe not. Over the weekend, my buddy sent me a link to a boat over on a group we belong to on Facebook called Drift Boats Unlimited. In the posting, a gentleman named Grant Brown had about 25 images of a…