
Fishing | Page 60

  • Boats Fishing

    Why you should always carry a spare oar

    A few weeks ago my good friends who shall remain faceless and nameless to protect their identity/stupidity took a little trip to float a river just north of the Colorado border in Wyoming. Before the trip I was told they talked about the fact that they had somehow misplaced the spare oar for the single…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Roundtable: What are you doing to protect trout during the heatwave?

    We asked a host of Trout Unlimited anglers what they’re doing in response to the heat in order to give trout a break this summer

    When rivers are too warm to safely chase trout, consider other species, like pike and bass. Chris Hunt photo. Editor’s note: The West is amid its worst drought in decades, and the Southwest is suffering through its worst drought in recorded history. Trout in the West are feeling the pain — the Colorado River’s upper…

  • Trout Talk

    What to do if we can’t fish?

    Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I've still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high…

  • Boats Featured Fishing

    Quick Tip: Girth hitch your cam straps

    All it really consists of is using a girth hitch to attach your cam-strap to the frame, d-ring ... whatever really

    Look at 10 different rafts and you most likely see 10 different ways to rig the exact same thing. Almost every time I go out on a trip with other folks for an extended period of time, I learn something about rigging. Some good, some bad, and some will change the way you do things…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    A summer for Plan B

    When water temperatures approach the mid-60s on your favorite trout stream, it's time for a back-up plan. Chris Hunt photo. The calendar said it was June 18. Not even summer yet. But we hit the mid-90s two weeks earlier and the heat hadn’t really let up. Sure, you could get away from it up high…