
Fishing | Page 61

  • Fishing

    Alaskan lake trout: All you need to know

    Alaskan lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Species summary and status: Lake trout have a body shape similar to that of trout and salmon. They generally have small cream or yellow, irregular shaped spots on a silvery-to-dark background. Males and females are similar, with males having a slightly longer, more pointed snout. Lake trout can be distinguished from…

  • Fishing Featured

    The deep, dark secrets of Alaskan lake trout

    “This might really, really suck,” I said to Ancans with a halfhearted laugh. We then laughed together because we knew we were already unquestionably committed

    Walking to "the spot" hoping to land a lake trout for the Western Native Trout Challenge. Daniel A. Ritz photo. Chucking and ducking heavy lines to check the lake trout off the list Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native…

  • Fishing

    Four essential ways to get your kids geared up for fishing

    Mason and Morgan enjoying a day on the river. Having the right gear ensures family outings are comfortable, safe, easy and fun!

    By Nelli Williams During the week our kids can usually be found running feral in the open spaces near our home. On the weekends their play area opens up to the vast and glorious Alaskan backcountry. In many ways our weekend routine is like our pre-kid days, but add 10 times the snacks, s’mores and plenty of random stuffed animals. It is amazing how…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Keeping an eye out for wildfires

    Sunset over a trout stream in Idaho.

    Sunset over the Caribou National Forest, Idaho. Chris Hunt photo. I've spent the last couple of days working from one of my favorite places in the world -- an out-of-the-way campsite in the middle of the Caribou National Forest.  Some years back, while fishing the little trout stream near camp, my phone rang in my…

  • Fishing

    Mistakes you don’t get to make twice

    An Alaskan rainbow trout prepares to swim away after being caught on a tributary to the Susitna River in Alaska. Daniel A. Ritz photo. Western Native Trout Challenge: Alaskan rainbow trout Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge,…