Thinking big on the Upper Rio Grande
Trout Unlimited has worked in the upper Rio Grande drainage for years, investing staff and volunteer time into things like raising water tables, reconnecting rivers with their flood plains and protecting public lands. We've worked with indigenous people and local communities to protect and restore this important watershed. We're now combining and organizing our various…
Twenty tips on how to take better photos on the water
Part one Cameras have gotten faster, cheaper and a whole lot more powerful. Almost everyone owns a camera or has a very powerful one in their phone and, therefore, everyone can be a photographer. While "happy snaps" can do a fine job of documenting a trip, why not up your game a little and take…
Is catch-and-release angling all it’s cracked up to be?
Releasing a nice brown trout back into the river. Kirk Deeter photo. Is catch-and-release angling overrated? It is if the only thing that matters is numbers of fish caught… In 1936, the late, great Lee Wulff said, “game fish are too valuable to be caught only once,” and the “catch-and-release” movement was born. I’m a…
Simple tips for fishing from a boat
Maybe you booked a trip last year and it was postponed. Maybe you or one of your friends was fortunate enough to purchase a new boat this past year. Either way you’re going to need to learn how to properly fish from a boat at some point. Full disclosure, I’ve made all of these mistakes…
What’s your best day ever?
Could you put a finger on your best day ever fishing? I know exactly when mine was, well at least so far. My dad and brother were visiting us in Glenwood Springs to fish for a few days in early fall. The weather was cool and crisp in the mornings leading to temperatures I live…
Quick tips to ensure your shuttle goes right
There’s plenty of ways to shuttle boats and vehicles, and I’ve probably done about 90 percent of them. My guess is that you have, too. The regular old car-truck run, a state trooper’s back seat, municipal bus, Uber, a moped, dirt bike, electric bike, regular bike, horse, donkey. I'm kidding about the donkey. Of all…
RIO’s Elite Tarpon line did the trick
It might sounds counterintuitive, especially to new anglers, but having a good line can make a long day of casting heavy fly rods much less exhausting. Having just recovered from a year and a half worth of cancer treatments, I was grateful for that fact. On our recent trip to Tarpon Cay Lodge in Rio…