
Fishing | Page 72

  • Trout Talk

    Going back to the vest

    We've all been there — water lapping at the top of our waders, shallower water a few feet distant but the spot directly in front maybe just a few inches too deep. During a recent outing I stood waist-deep in a chilly run, wondering if I needed to turn around and wade back into the…

  • Boats

    Video: Raft Tear Field Repair

    Last week Josh posted a piece on valve repair, and I want to take it a little bit further with a very in-depth video from the folks at Rafting Magazine and Sotar rafts about field repair for raft tears using both a traditional repair kit and a handy product called Tear-Aid. Tear-Aid is an indispensable…

  • Fishing

    Coveting the split cane

    “Tis a poor workman who blames his tools.” Anonymous By Mark Dillow My rod tip bounced like a telegraph key with each head shake—an angry protest from a trout duped by a crane fly nymph. When the rainbow slid into the net, my knees shook with mirrored cadence. The rod was borrowed, the fly donated, and…

  • Boats

    The River Dog

    Dogs have their place on a boat, period. Pardon my preference to the canine companions we all love so much but it’s true. When you bring a dog on a boat, or in our case a barge sized raft loaded to the gills with camping equipment, you often spend your day receiving smiles and waves…

  • Trout Talk

    Kids should fish wet flies for a reason

    In our family, we had an informal rule about kids fishing on their own—you started out by fishing wet flies downstream, and once you reached a certain age, you got to turn upstream and fish dry flies. It was a tiny, gentle river, really, and there was always an adult looking on, even if we didn’t…