
Fishing | Page 72

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Some of the wildest fishing destinations on earth

    angler fly fishing Stikine River

    An angler tangles with a Dolly Varden on Alaska's Stikine River. Chris Hunt photo. How can I adequately capture the essence of fishing the world’s wildest fisheries in a few sentences when only a book might do them justice? I can’t. But it’s fun trying, so what the heck… Tasmania, Australia Overlooked, under-appreciated and wide open, the…

  • Fishing

    To Wait on Pale Ice

    Day 5 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…

  • Trout Talk

    Use an indicator fly to help you see your midge

    The Griffith's Gnat. LakeLand Fishing photo. I popped into TroutHunter up in Island Park last weekend — the sun was shining and I just couldn’t stand the sight of the four walls of the home office anymore. I grabbed a half-dozen midge cluster patterns, some size 20 BWOs and wandered down to the lower Henry’s…

  • Fishing

    To Wait on Pale Ice

    Day 4 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…

  • Boats

    Learning from our mistakes

    The greatest part about making mistakes is learning something new. Some say if you’re not making mistakes then you’re not getting better. I couldn’t agree more. Recently, on a trip down to southern Utah with the family in tow, I learned that it’s no fun to disassemble an entire 14-foot raft and all of its…

  • Fishing

    To Wait on Pale Ice

    Day 3 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…