We heard back from Ford … and it’s good news
The new Ford Bronco not driving through a river. Ford Motor Co. promotional photo. Editor's note: On Monday, TU's Kirk Deeter scolded Ford Motor Co. for marketing the company's revamped Bronco by showing it driving through a creek, a potentially harmful activity to trout, salmon and their habitat. Here's the latest from Deeter. We’ve been…
Would you circumnavigate 1,300 miles of Florida’s coast conservation?
Would you circumnavigate 1300 miles of Florida's coast at ONE GO in a technical poling skiff for conservation?
And would you do it in a skiff? Without docking even once? If you would, you’d qualify as one of the crazy skiff captains competing in the 2021 Skiff Challenge later this week. Yes, people actually do this. They get in an 18-foot (max) skiff in Pensacola and literally do not stop, minus the halfway…
The high-holer … and how not to be one
If you see another angler in the water, keep walking. Find another stretch of river or stream and give everyone their space. Don't be a dreaded high-holer. Chris Hunt photo. Late last summer, I visited a beautiful stretch of a small stream in eastern Idaho, nestled up against the Wyoming border. The portion of the…
To Wait on Pale Ice
Day 2 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…
To Wait on Pale Ice
Day 1 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…
Ford is the latest company to market a product by driving it through a river
Ford Motor Co. marketing photo. I’ve found the moronic portrayals of fly fishing by ad agencies to be almost humorous up to this point. You’ve all seen the bad-casting actor with a saltwater rod in a tiny brook, the silly rubber hippers and dopey hats. Those are all ultimately caricature representations of fly fishing by marketing “gurus” who apparently realize fly fishing is “aspirational” enough to sell pharmaceuticals, insurance, investment services and SUVs ……
Trout as bait?
I dusted off the old baitcaster, and rigged up some crankbaits, swimbaits, poppers and such, and am waiting patiently for ice-out. Where I live, pike love to eat trout, pretty much to a fault
When you can count 55 anglers on the Eagle River (Colorado) as you drive a stretch of I-70 less than 10 miles long… on a weekday… in mid-March… and you consider what the situation might look like midsummer… it’s probably a good idea to be thinking about a “plan B.” In my case, plan B has…