Finding hope in a hellish year
Amid the choking fumes of this hellish year, I found hope recently in an unlikely place. I found it walking a concrete path in a city of over 100,000 souls. Aimless I walked, and aimlessly stopped serendipitously next to a thread of a creek trickling over riprap and steppingstones, as the onset of autumn burnished…
Tying the Sweet Pea
This time of year, I really love to fish double-nymph rigs, using a heavier bug as the lead fly and trailing behind it a smaller fly, but maybe something a little more impressionistic than what I might expect to see in the river. For instance, with lower flows here on the South Fork of the…
ACE Act a big win for fish habitat
Decades of hard work pays off with passage of the American Conservation Enhancement Act This week, anglers across the nation are celebrating the passage of a sprawling conservation bill, the American Conservation Enhancement Act (H.R. 925/S.3051), or ACE Act for short. Earlier this month, the package was approved by the U.S. Senate, and on Thursday, it passed…
Hiking the CDT: Aunt Luchrysta, a bull moose in the river and West Yellowstone
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
Put on your mentor hat and take someone fishing
By Jim Strogen I love to catch fish, but helping others be successful with their first fish or teaching them new fly fishing techniques is just as much fun for me. We all have home water where our knowledge of a particular lake or stream can tip the scales for someone to have a great…
Tying the Black and Tan jig
Fall across North America generally means low and clear water, particularly on freestone trout streams where flows aren't manipulated by upstream dams. And that means wary trout in skinny conditions. Chasing fall trout during low water can be a lot of fun for sight-fishing, but fish are also on high alert for predators and, in…
The tonic of wildness
If you are active in the outdoors, it’s hard to beat living in the American West. That’s because all states west of the Great Plains have big swaths of public lands available for fishing and hunting. Except when big swaths of extraordinary wildfire shut them down. Right smack in the middle of Public Lands Month.…