Prepping for high-country angling
For backcountry anglers, now is the time to make sure your gear is ready
One quick glance at the high peaks of the Caribous is all any backcountry trout angler in my neck of the woods needs to come to the realization that it’s going to be a while. Snow cornices still grace the tops of Red Ridge, and Fall Creek is running dirty. Getting up high to the…
TU launches #ResponsibleRecreation campaign
Trout Unlimited, along with a host of conservation partners, today launched the #ReponsibleRecreation campaign, an effort to encourage anglers and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts to get outside and enjoy America's great outdoors, but to do so wisely and with great caution as the country continues to endure the COVID-19 pandemic. TU, of course, is focusing…
Announcing: 2020 Alaska Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip
Last fall, 13 veteran or active-duty members of the Armed Forces in Alaska congregated in the scenic and quiet community of Cantwell to explore and fish Denali State Park. The all-expense-paid trip was the 2nd annual Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip hosted in partnership with Kinross Fort Knox with the help of the guides at Denali Fly Fishing Guides, a TU-endorsed business. Read about the 2019 trip here. 2019 Armed…
A rod’s length between us
It was the squid boats at sundown that did it for me. I had been holding on to a lot of tension. I knew this. Much of it was linked to my recent move halfway across the state. But most of the ways that I usually deal with stress involve activities, including fishing, that have…
Blue lines and social distancing
Learning solid fishing skills on small water helps you with all angling situations
A lot of anglers look at small water and turn up their noses. The fish aren't as big, they might opine. It's just too easy, others might say, opting instead for the "challenges" posed by big rivers. Truth is, fishing small water makes anglers better, more accurate casters who have developed innate tools to work…
Covid-19 and fly fishing
As we seek an 'out' to stay-at-home orders, how should anglers fish and how should guides conduct trips? Editor's note: The following is written behalf of Trout Unlimited and Angling Trade Media, and in partnership with the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA). A month ago, I tackled the fly-fishing “elephant in the room” with this piece in both…
Hope for the Everglades
No, southern Florida isn't a trout fishery (at least not of the salmonid variety). But we're all connected by water, and the Everglades might be the best living laboratory in the country that explains the virtues of water, not just to people, but to every living thing. Our friends at Orvis took to the Everglades…