The True Cast – That bug thing… how do I pick the right fly?
If you told me I could only pick six patterns to fish for trout anywhere in America, these are the patterns I’d pick.
Fly fishing for trout encompasses many challenges, which I think is much of the appeal of the sport in the first place. It is, as my friend Monte Burke so eloquently explained, all about puzzle solving; How do I make this cast? How do I know where a trout will be in the river? How…
Tip – Fishing Streamers
Tom Rosenbauer teaches us all about fishing streamers. When and why to fish them, how and a bit about fly and gear selection. If you’re new to fly fishing, this can be a great way to learn where fish live in rivers. You can cover a lot of water and be more effective in dirty…
The True Cast – It isn’t about the gear. It’s about the hook.
When I first signed on as the editor of TROUT magazine, the great John Merwin—author of The New American Trout Fishing and then the fishing editor for Field & Stream—offered me some friendly advice. “Run a cover that shows a trout with a Panther Martin lure hanging out of its mouth,” he said. “That’ll get…
Tip – Getting Unstuck
After some beginner tips and tricks to get you started in the sport of fly fishing, you’ve likely snagged your fly on the bottom at least once. Watch this short tip from Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer on how to get it unstuck. Give it a try, and one of these tips doesn’t work, consider your fly…
The True Cast – We Should Take It Easy on “Make it Easy”
At what point did some fly fishing companies decide that the learning curve was a bad thing? After all, it seems like every piece of gear these days is designed to make fishing easier. This fancy rod will not only help you cast farther it will also improve your accuracy like nothing else! This reel…
Tip – Reading Water
Now that you’ve gotten some of the basics down of fly fishing, why we love it, some casts, gear and more, it’s time to go out to the water. Tom Rosenbauer teaches us a bit about how to find where the fish live by properly reading a river. These skills will help you on any…
Tip – All about leaders
Here’s a bit more info on some basic gear; leaders.
Here’s a bit more info on some basic gear; leaders. When do you need to change them and how do you do that? Watch Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis explain these details as well as how to avoid a tangled mess when unfurling a leader. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSjGialTOr8&list=PLEXZljM8NmhtGMQuVaaJ9TZq3SZY74R_5&index=2&t=28s
