Five degrees of stupid
How not to catch trout while fly fishing.
How not to catch trout while fly fishing The other day, I started a three-month sabbatical, which is a super-cool benefit of being a Trout Unlimited employee for 10 or more years, but what it really means is I’m planning on fishing my butt off for several weeks (and maybe writing another book in the…
They don’t make fly guides like this anymore
A warm farewell to Terry Gunn, the guru of Lees Ferry, Arizona The other day, my good friend, Terry Gunn, announced that he was officially retiring from guiding. For those of you who do not know Terry Gunn, he has, since the early 1980s, been the guy (the guru) at Lees Ferry, Arizona, which is…
All Anglers Out
The flood in the nation’s first national park is making huge waves, the ripple effect feeling like a tsunami for surrounding places, including towns flush with fly shops.
Park’s Closed The first call I make is to Henry’s Fork Anglers in Island Park, Idaho. Todd Lanning answers. He’s cheery as always. I ask him if anything has changed at the shop this week. He’s blunt as usual. “A ton of people are calling worried they can’t get here, says Lanning, the shop’s assistant…
TU Business: Thin Air Angler
He’s one of America’s best at the vise. He’s an Umpqua Signature Fly Designer. But you may not know that he’s an outstanding guide, too.
You may know him as a fly-tying savant. His reputation there is solid, and if you’ve ever watched him at a fly-fishing show, you can see immediately that it’s deserved. He makes hard things look easy. Bob Reece is a professional in every sense of the word. He’s one of America’s best at the vise.…
Truck-makers: Do we have a deal for you
TROUT magazine offers one auto company a free ad about fixing a river, not destroying it I’ve seen the ads. People have been sending them to me. It’s like a bad dream that keeps repeating itself: Trucks and SUV’s plowing through rivers… which destroys rivers… somehow connected to fishing, like that’s all part of the…
Giving Pebble the Boot
Korkers wading boot supports the next chapter of conservation in Bristol Bay Korkers has designed a limited-edition pair of Devil’s Canyon wading boots with Trout Unlimited in support of permanent and durable safeguards Bristol Bay, and 35% of profits will be donated to TU’s Save Bristol Bay campaign. Purchase yours here. For the past two…
Is it time to ramp up?
Yes, our rivers are crowded. Here’s one idea for helping create more space on the water. I don’t know many anglers who would argue against public access. I sure won’t. As more families and individuals discover the magic of fishing—often for reasons far more important than the act of pulling on fish —it stands to…
