
Trout Talk | Page 28

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Low light is trout-watching light

    The gnarled, dark brown bark of cottonwoods lining rivers throughout the west make the yellow leaves glow in the sinking sun. And that low sun has other advantages when it comes to fishing. As I approached the water, I saw the tell-tale signs of fish working the water column. Mostly it was dorsal fins cresting…

  • Trout Talk Boats

    TU senior producer honored by OWAA

    Josh Duplechian on a photo shoot in southwest Colorado. Scott Willoughby photo. As a rule of thumb, the media team at TU doesn’t talk about itself--we’re in the business of making great content and putting the spotlight on other people who fix and protect rivers. But as editor-in-chief of TU, I am grateful every day…

  • Fly tying Trout Talk

    The easiest mouse pattern you’ll ever tie

    I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I should be tying for this sure-to-be-epic adventure in the Andes, and I got back a single-word reply from one of them: "Mice."

    A quick-and-easy adaptation of the Morrish Mouse. All photos by Chris Hunt. I'm headed down to Chilean Patagonia early next month — I'll leave the chill of Idaho's autumn for spring in the Southern Hemisphere, all for some trout fishing based out of Magic Waters Lodge. I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good

    Wadering up on the banks of a Pennsylvania trout stream last week I faced a dilemma. Which rod? I had three choices. An 8-foot 6-inch 3-weight that’s perfect for dry flies. An 11-foot 3-weight Euro nymphing rod that is perfect for, well, Euro nymphing. And a 10-foot 3-inch 3-weight that is perfect for swinging wet…