
Trout Talk | Page 35

  • Trout Talk Featured

    One salmonid for the rest of my life? I choose Dolly

    You can try to time the silver run or the king run, and maybe you'll get lucky and hit it just right. Odds are, you'll time your date with Dolly perfectly — she's rarely a no-show

    I made an off-hand comment on a friend's Facebook post this morning — he uploaded a great photo of a Dolly Varden in Southeast Alaska and I quickly opined that, should some higher power ever dictate to me that I could only catch one salmonid for the rest of my life, it very well might…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Jumping the shark

    I have many bad habits, for sure, but the one fly-fishing vice I cannot break is casting at mako sharks off the California coast with flies.  It started nearly 20 years ago when I met Conway Bowman while writing the book Tideline. That led to a larger story for Field& Stream magazine (“Flyfishing Gone Mad”) a couple years later.…

  • Trout Talk

    Fishing photos don’t have to be fish photos

    Along with our friends at Keep Fish Wet and Ten And Two Co., we are asking you to ditch the hero shot for something different in the month of July

    Many "point-and-shoot" cameras have underwater capability. Try and capture the release in pixels beneath the surface. All photos by Tim Romano. Celebrating #NoFishDryJuly with submersible cameras We’ve all seen the hero shots of fish. By now most of us are familiar with the cliche photos of fish hoisted well above the water sometimes closer to…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    No fish dry in July

    Take photos of everything ... but the fish Our friends at Keep Fish Wet and Ten And Two Co. have announced “No Fish Dry July,” a campaign that encourages anglers to ask themselves, “Do I really need a photo of that fish?” and challenges them not to take a single fish photo for the month…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Keeping an eye out for wildfires

    Sunset over a trout stream in Idaho.

    Sunset over the Caribou National Forest, Idaho. Chris Hunt photo. I've spent the last couple of days working from one of my favorite places in the world -- an out-of-the-way campsite in the middle of the Caribou National Forest.  Some years back, while fishing the little trout stream near camp, my phone rang in my…