
Trout Talk | Page 38

  • Trout Talk Featured

    What’s your best day ever?

    Could you put a finger on your best day ever fishing? I know exactly when mine was, well at least so far. My dad and brother were visiting us in Glenwood Springs to fish for a few days in early fall. The weather was cool and crisp in the mornings leading to temperatures I live…

  • Trout Talk

    Put a thermometer in your pack … and use it

    A water temperature thermometer.

    One of the greatest threats to the trout and salmon we love is a warming climate that comes armed with a one-two punch of declining winter snow and warming summer water temperatures. Trout need cold, clean water. Simple as that. For most trout, water temperatures that approach 70 degrees prove troublesome and often fatal. Water…

  • Trout Talk

    The tug or the mug?

    Is there anything more beautiful than a brook trout? Chris Hunt photo. I love trout. I particularly love wild trout. And, frankly, I don't really care how big (or how little) they are. But this spring, I've been something of a fishing dilettante. Bonefish in the Bahamas. Carp in the desert. Oscars and peacock bass…

  • Trout Talk

    An early summer

    It's close. I can feel it. Thanks to a sub-par winter, I'll be able to get up high into the Caribous early this year and start chasing eastern Idaho's native cutthroats, likely before Memorial Day, which is unheard of. It's going to an early summer. And, most likely, a long summer. One of the very…

  • Trout Talk

    The biggest wastes of money in fly fishing

    Don't stare at an indicator all day long on a guide trip. Have the guide help you improve your skills. You want to learn how to fish mouse patterns? Ask her or him for help. Want to be a better roll-caster? Ask for help. Don't waste your money otherwise. Five ways to spend big and…

  • Trout Talk

    Colorado TU chapter wins award for work to protect rare cutthroat trout

    San Juan cutthroat trout. Photo courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. On the San Juan National Forest in southwest Colorado, advances are afoot for a special trout and its habitat thanks to the many people working to protect them.   The San Juan cutthroat trout, once widespread throughout the region, only inhabits a small portion of its historic range. Luckily for these recently rediscovered trout, Trout Unlimited and partners are making strides towards increasing their…