The Woolly Bugger … more than just a streamer
The good, old Woolly Bugger is likely the first fly those new to fly tying craft at the vise, and I don’t know any anglers who don’t have ‘Buggers in their fly boxes. In fact, I know anglers who have entire boxes dedicated solely to the tried-and-true streamer. But the Woolly Bugger is so much…
Snake train your dog, for you and for them
This is Maya. Maya is a 3-year-old pudelpointer, and she’s the best bird dog I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve had a handful because I enjoy hunting upland and waterfowl, probably as much as I enjoy fly fishing (shhhh… don’t tell the brass at TU I just said that). No offense to Tess, Belle,…
What species is the ‘fish of your lifetime?’
Brook trout might be the most stunning of all, but are they the 'fish of a lifetime?' All photos by Chris Hunt. I’ve spent a lifetime chasing trout along the spine of the continent. Save for about 10 of my 52 years, where I’ve lived elsewhere due to circumstance or obligation, my views have always…
What’s your go-to attractor pattern when nothing’s hatching?
A native Yellowstone cutthroat trout falls for Slumpbuster during high water in June 2020. Chris Hunt photo. This is a pretty common dilemma, both when fishing larger rivers and especially when searching small water for trout. I’m a big fan of attractor patterns — bugs that don’t look like any one particular bite of trout…
Some of the wildest fishing destinations on earth
An angler tangles with a Dolly Varden on Alaska's Stikine River. Chris Hunt photo. How can I adequately capture the essence of fishing the world’s wildest fisheries in a few sentences when only a book might do them justice? I can’t. But it’s fun trying, so what the heck… Tasmania, Australia Overlooked, under-appreciated and wide open, the…
Use an indicator fly to help you see your midge
The Griffith's Gnat. LakeLand Fishing photo. I popped into TroutHunter up in Island Park last weekend — the sun was shining and I just couldn’t stand the sight of the four walls of the home office anymore. I grabbed a half-dozen midge cluster patterns, some size 20 BWOs and wandered down to the lower Henry’s…
We heard back from Ford … and it’s good news
The new Ford Bronco not driving through a river. Ford Motor Co. promotional photo. Editor's note: On Monday, TU's Kirk Deeter scolded Ford Motor Co. for marketing the company's revamped Bronco by showing it driving through a creek, a potentially harmful activity to trout, salmon and their habitat. Here's the latest from Deeter. We’ve been…
