
Trout Talk | Page 42

  • Trout Talk Trout Tips

    Trout as bait?

    I dusted off the old baitcaster, and rigged up some crankbaits, swimbaits, poppers and such, and am waiting patiently for ice-out. Where I live, pike love to eat trout, pretty much to a fault

    When you can count 55 anglers on the Eagle River (Colorado) as you drive a stretch of I-70 less than 10 miles long… on a weekday… in mid-March… and you consider what the situation might look like midsummer… it’s probably a good idea to be thinking about a “plan B.” In my case, plan B has…

  • Trout Talk

    The perfect camping cocktail?

    Editor's note: This post was inspired by Shauna Stephenson's slightly more sophisticated recipe for a camping cocktail. Check it out. Chris Hunt: This is a tough one, because the weather and the location often depict the beverage, right? I mean, let’s say I’ve been on the river all day, and it’s July. It’s hot. I’ve worked…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    The cult of the invasive fish

    Growing up in the Denver suburbs, one of my favorite childhood haunts was a public park a short bike ride from home. It sported the sketchy jungle gym with the sharp, rusty edges, the little spring loaded ridable critters that, with enough momentum, could send a small child into orbit, and a small lake that…

  • Trout Talk

    Fishing and filming to ‘Escape’ the pain

    “I knew the bugs would be smashed up against the bank and the angle and light would all be just right, but I was in pain. I ended up arguing with myself but seeing the shot already in mind forced me to get up and be a functioning human being. I knew if I didn’t go then, I would miss it. Things couldn’t have worked out any better. I owe that to the river.”

    Autoimmune disease spurs new fishing film featured in the Fly Fishing Film Tour Anglers are often heard saying, “I have to go fishing”. The statement isn’t just an excuse to get on the water when Ryan Kelly says it — it’s a fact of life.  And since he has to go fishing to keep his…

  • Trout Talk

    Yellowstone increases fishing, boating fees to help combat invasive species

    Beginning this season, fees for fishing and boating permits in Yellowstone National Park will increase. Anglers can now purchase fishing permits online via Permits for the upcoming season can also be acquired in-park stores and surrounding communities beginning this spring. The fee increases are substantial. Fishing permit fees will rise from $18 to $40 for a three-day permit; from…

  • Trout Talk

    What’s your remedy for stinky waders?

    Hang 'em up? Febreze? Voodoo incantations? Let us know! Brett Prettyman: Wait, there is a way to deal with stinky waders? Why didn’t anybody tell me? Through the years several companies have sent me a miracle product they claim will remove the smells that build up in waders over time. None of them worked. The only thing I’ve…