What was your best fishing trip ever?
Editor's note: Periodically, we'll pose questions to a " fly-fishing roundtable" of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. This week: What was your best fishing trip ever? The father-son North Woods adventure I’m lucky. Very lucky. I’ve been around the world with a fly rod in hand,…
Winter blues, cabin fever and Appalachian envy
April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. —T.S. Elliot It’s still cold and gray here in the steppe country of eastern Idaho. Snow still covers the yard. Snow is still in the immediate forecast. Winter’s not done yet. Not even…
Are you ready for the F3T?
March 10 can’t come soon enough. The Fly Fishing Film tour, otherwise known as F3T, provides a time when I can’t wait to sit in front of a screen. While the snow still flies in Colorado, I revel in films that whisk me away to far-off adventures. I can drool over beastly fish. I get my adrenaline pumping with insane footage, and this year, we can do all this from the…
Bumping fists with trout
So I finally shook off the COVID blues and decided to go fishing one day last week. Yampa River, northern Colorado, and admittedly it might have been a better day to ski, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to fish. So I trudged through the snowpack to a prime spot, and the sun…
Welcome to TROUT Digital, the online companion to TROUT Magazine
Well, well, well… what do we have here? A digital complement to TROUT magazine? In a word… exactly. But I think the best way to describe the rationale and vision is to anticipate and preemptively answer a handful of questions (I’ve always found it easiest to answer questions I ask myself, but of course I will welcome and…
For crayfish flies, keep it simple
I have a friend who is an extremely talented fly tier. His creations are intricate and gorgeous. And they would certainly catch fish, too, if he ever actually fished with them. But he doesn’t. Because, you know, who wants to risk losing a fly that it took an hour to tie? While creating fancy flies can…
Are you keeping more secrets these days?
I think I’ve come full circle on the whole “secret fishing spot” argument. I’ve written three guidebooks over the years, with the intent of helping anglers enjoy the public lands resources here in Idaho and in nearby Yellowstone National Park. I also made a little money for the work, and I feel like I earned…
