The True Cast – catch an angler this season.
Nobody gets to where they are in the fly-fishing world without a little nudge, or connection, or instruction, or inspiration. As such, when I am fishing, I often think about mentors like my dad, who put the first fly rod in my hands when we lived on the banks of the Little Lehigh in Pennsylvania.…
Tip – The double haul
Simon Gawesworth breaks down the effective and efficient double haul cast. It is useful in wind, critical when fishing saltwater, and can get you more distance thanks to high line speed. So, watch this video and then give it a go. Remember practice as often as you can to help ensure a great day on…
Tip – Dry fly fishing
Tom Rosenbauer teaches us a bit more about dry fly fishing, which is many anglers’ favorite method of fishing. There's nearly nothing better than an active trout eating dries. He goes over when to fish with dry flies in terms of times of year, when aquatic or terrestrial insects are present and then what to…
The True Cast – Does Angler Pressure Affect What Trout Eat?
I absolutely love fishing with streamer flies. After all, streamers elicit a predatory response, particularly when trout fishing. Streamers are what turn a trout’s instinct dial from meek and mild dun sippers and nymph inhalers to full-on carnivorous beasts. And mouse flies! It’s one thing to hear a trout crash on a fly at night,…
Tip – Locating Trout
Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis walks us through where to find trout in a typical river. Think focal points and feeding lanes when fishing pocket water, and then consider where to best release a fish. Hopefully these tips help you find more trout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgUz5wpyGPI&list=PLEXZljM8NmhtGMQuVaaJ9TZq3SZY74R_5&index=3
The True Cast – When your kid rows your boat…
Riding in the back seat of my own drift boat, I’m looking over my son Paul’s shoulder as he sizes up the entry and plots a line through a rapid. It isn’t a terribly complicated run—there are a couple sneaky rocks that might pin or flip a boat if you hit them sideways, but otherwise,…
Tip – how to get more distance
You’ve been practicing your casting and feel good at short distances. Let Simon Gawesworth from RIO Products show you how to cast further in this short video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmPxXs7pnFA&list=PLEXZljM8NmhtGMQuVaaJ9TZq3SZY74R_5&index=1&t=5s
