TU’s Chris Wood to essential workers: Free TU memberships to all
A special 'thank you' to America's essential workers
TU President and CEO Chris Wood offered free Trout Unlimited memberships to every essential employee in America last week as a "thank you" for putting themselves in harm's way during the coronavirus outbreak. In addition to offering free one-year memberships to essential workers, TU is also giving memberships to emergency personnel, first responders and those…
Mayflies making a difference
Helping foster kids find a home on the water
My friend, Billy, visited Middlebury College in Vermont, when we were seniors at St. Peters in Jersey City. I will never forget his reaction when he returned. “Cows! Chris, there are cows. Cows everywhere!” For a 17-year-old kid from North Bergen, N.J., cows were as foreign as trout are familiar to a fly-angler. Billy ended…
Fishing, TU and the pandemic
If your email inbox looks like mine, almost every organization you have ever worked with, joined or “liked” has sent you a note this week about the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. It’s a sign of how thoroughly this crisis has swept across all of American life. Trout Unlimited is rooted in communities of…
The drawing of the trout is from the hand of a small child. The description even more so: “This was the first fish I ever cot [sic] on a rod. When I first felt the feeling of reeling in the fish, I was amased [sic].” In the span of 15 years, Jeremy Brooks’ writing and…
Working with the companies who make us better anglers
Ben Bulis and his son with a fine Montana wild brown trout As the official holder of the Best Job in America, it was a treat to have the runner-up, Ben Bulis, come visit the intergalactic headquarters of Trout Unlimited this week. Ben has led AFFTA (the American Fly-Fishing Tackle Association) for nearly eight years.…
The Wisconsin way
Something breeds great conservationists in Wisconsin. John Muir, famous for the Sierra’s, was born in Scotland and moved to Wisconsin as a young boy. He took his first course in botany at the University of Wisconsin. Aldo Leopold, author of the seminal, "A Sand County Almanac," lived in Wisconsin and raised five prominent conservationists in…
Lessons from Warren and Scott
Trout Unlimited members, and many of our staff, love to fish. Perhaps none more than Scott Yates and Warren Colyer, both of whom co-lead our largest staff cohort, the Western Water and Habitat program. One of my favorite memories at TU was fishing on Wyoming’s Gros Ventre River at dusk. I was working the far…