
Advocacy | Page 3

  • Advocacy

    Supreme Court rejection is another blow for Pebble Mine

    The U.S. Supreme Court rejected hearing a lawsuit filed by the State of Alaska against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) in an attempt to strike down Clean Water Act protections for the headwaters of Bristol Bay. This unprecedented lawsuit was a last-ditch effort to keep the dying Pebble Mine project alive. Bristol Bay. Photo by…

  • Advocacy

    On Capitol Hill, TU Offers Pragmatic Solutions on Mining Reform

    Good Samaritan Bill Receives Praise in Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Mining Reform On Capitol Hill yesterday, Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood testified in the Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee about two pieces of mining legislation: the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2023, introduced by subcommittee chair…

  • Advocacy

    Renewed action in Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands

    Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands represent one of the largest conservation opportunities in the Lower 48. The Owyhee is an integral part of the sagebrush steppe landscape that supports more than 350 species of fish and wildlife, including genetically pure, interior Redband trout. But it’s not immune to our ever-changing world. Redband Trout. Photo by Matteo Moretti…

  • Advocacy Conservation

    Defending Protections for Bristol Bay

    Bristol Bay Orgs & TU file briefs in State of Alaska Lawsuit Against EPA In January 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized Clean Water Act 404(c) safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. These protections prohibit the proposed Pebble Mine and were widely celebrated by Bristol Bay tribes, the commercial fishing industry, anglers…

  • Advocacy

    BLM proposes safeguards for Arctic fish and wildlife habitat

    The opportunity to protect a vast swath of public land does not come around often. This September, the Biden Administration announced a rulemaking to protect 13 million acres of public land from oil and gas leasing within the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A). Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Photo by Bob Wick (BLM) Protection of…

  • Fishing Advocacy Climate Change

    Working towards a solution

    Montana TU is collaborating and trying to come up with answers and solutions for trout health issues in SW Montana. Early this summer, biologists with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) presented stark findings from this year’s population surveys for brown and rainbow trout in southwest Montana. The surveys indicated that populations in some of…