
Advocacy | Page 5

  • Advocacy

    The Fight for Bristol Bay Continues

    Four men stand with signs reading "We are fine without a mine. No Pebble Mine"

    Lawsuit by the State of Alaska threatens Clean Water Act protections. Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized Clean Water Act safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay. These safeguards established a prohibition and restriction on mine waste discharge in the Pebble deposit area in the headwaters of Bristol Bay. This win was…

  • Advocacy

    A Monumental Win for Fishing and Hunting

    Silhouette of man fishing

    New report details how National Monuments support access, opportunity and economy of hunting and fishing. In a new report, National Monuments: A Hunting and Fishing Perspective, 25 groups and businesses – championed by Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership – evaluated hunting and fishing opportunity, as well as the…

  • Advocacy

    Making a monument: Feds host first public hearing on proposed Grand Canyon National Monument

    The Grand Canyon with snow at the rim and low hanging clouds

    Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument will help preserve the beauty of this idyllic landscape for generations to come. Earlier this week, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) hosted the first public meeting to receive feedback about the proposed Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. This follows…

  • Advocacy

    Gambling on Gold

    Proposed Uinta Basin Railway Poses Threat to the Gold Medal Colorado River The Colorado River is one of America’s iconic waterways. Even those living outside its namesake state are likely familiar with its importance, as it provides drinking water for some 40 million people across seven states and 30 Tribal Nations. Undoubtedly, the greatest attraction…

  • Advocacy

    TU Goes to The Hill for Abandoned Mine Cleanup

    Chris Wood sits at a table speaking into a microphone

    Trout Unlimited CEO Chris Wood testifies in favor of community reclamation legislation to facilitate abandoned mine cleanup. This week, Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood testified in favor of the proposed Community Reclamation Partnerships Act to facilitate cleanup of abandoned mines by community reclaimers, also known as “Good Samaritans,” in the Mining and Natural…