
Advocacy | Page 7

  • Conservation Advocacy

    Reconnecting the Klamath

    FERC’s license surrender order clears the path to remove four old dams on the Lower Klamath River The decades-long campaign Trout Unlimited and our Tribal and conservation partners have waged to restore the third most productive river for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast has taken a dramatic leap forward. Today, the Federal Energy…

  • Featured Advocacy

    TU’s Advocate-in-Chief

    A round of applause for a federal policy pro who “never met a wild trout stream he wouldn’t defend” As a talented lifelong athlete, Steve Moyer has collected plenty of hardware. Now he has a new award to put on the shelf, one earned not for a single great performance, but for a lifetime of…

  • Featured Advocacy

    Mr. Moyer goes to Washington

    For more than 30 years, TU’s Steve Moyer has been fighting for coldwater conservation in the nation’s capitol WASHINGTON, DC. -- Growing up outside Philadelphia, Steve Moyer enjoyed the proverbial best of both worlds. The big city was just 20 miles away from Hatfield, Pa., but Moyer’s home had a creek running through the back…

  • Conservation Advocacy

    ‘High potential for harm’

    The inefficient and outdated way that oil and gas leases are sold on our public lands puts our big game species, trout populations, and sage grouse habitat at risk. In collaboration with the National Wildlife Federation and Rocky Mountain Wild, Trout Unlimited has released a new report highlighting the Bureau of Land Management’s wasteful and…