Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy postponed
A few months into the global pandemic, I know that I’m not the only one disappointed by postponed or cancelled plans. While our team pivoted our organizing and communications work so we can still advocate for coldwater fisheries in Alaska, much of our summer programming is cancelled to protect the small villages and towns in the communities we work from COVID-19. Perhaps our most disappointing but necessary cancellation is the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide…
And the #ResponsibleRecreation winner is …
Congratulations to Ron Rhodes of South Pomfret, Vt., for winning the grand prize in the Trout Unlimited #ResponsibleRecreation contest. His name was selected randomly from hundreds of social posts that tagged @TroutUnlimited and used #ResponsibleRecreation hashtag. For participating and winning the random drawing, Ron, who posted on Twitter, is the lucky recipient of the grand-prize…
#ResponsibleRecreation winners announced on Wednesday
Trout Unlimited wishes to thank the hundreds of entrants in this spring's #ResponsibleRecreation drawing. The contest is complete and a grand-prize winner, a second-place winner and a third-place winner have been chosen. All three winners will be announced on TU social media channels on Wednesday, June 17, so stay tuned. One of these winners could…
Post your #ResponsibleRecreation content soon
Practice #ResponsibleRecreation, win a fly rod
Trout Unlimited is giving away a new Sage X fly rod to one lucky angler who shares his or her #ResponsibleRecreation content on social media, using both the hashtag and by tagging TU (@troutunlimited). Entries for the give-away must be posted by Monday, June 15. While many states have "reopened," the COVID-19 outbreak is still…
Personal best brown a quarantine surprise
By Rob Shane If you told me I’d be stuck at home for an indefinite amount of time and encouraged to practice social distancing when I do leave the house, I never would have imagined it would result in me catching my personal best brown trout. It all came together on a beautiful, brisk morning — the way most great…
The coronavirus may change fishing as we know it
Ironically, 2020 is “The Year of the Rat.” Given how 2020 has unfolded so far, I actually consider that to be an insult to rats. But we are seeing some lifting of the pandemic fog where I live in Colorado and in many other places around the country—and fishing definitely stands to be affected… for…
Fishing in Yellowstone will be a little different this year
There will be some changes to fishing in Yellowstone this summer, at least at the beginning of the season.
Opening day for angling in Yellowstone National Park is traditionally the Saturday before Memorial Day (this year, it falls on May 23), and that's not changing in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. But, according to Linda Veress of the park's public affairs office, only rivers and streams in the park's southern half will be…