Happy birthday to you, little alevins!
The trout at the Trailside Museum have hatched! Send them your happy birthday messages!
Happy Birthday to out little sac-fry who have hatched today and are doing great. Check them out in the video below and help us give them some names. We need approximately 300 names, which is not an easy task, so we can use all the help we can get. Kids can get help from and…
Hiking the CDT: Old Faithful and goodbye Montana
Just like that it was time to say goodbye to our friends. We had finished Montana and completed 991 miles of the trail.
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
The wild Tongass and common-sense policies
If you’re an angler, throughout the year you can search out the elusive steelhead in small creeks, swing flies for all five species of wild Pacific salmon, catch sea-run cutthroat, Dolly Varden and rainbow trout.
I grew up in the Tongass, the largest national forest in the United States. Most days, I feel like my upbringing here was like winning the lottery. My home bursts with diverse attractions and incredible recreation opportunities no matter my thrill of choice at any given time. One of my favorite parts about the area…
Are we raising the conservation generation?
These days, I have a habit of starting my morning with too much coffee and a big fat bucket of guilt. The mornings start with Rooster mistaking the kitchen light for the sun, unhappy dogs whining in their crates, a growing pile of unfinished third-grade homework, a to-do list with a pathetic one or two…
Brad Elfers from Alaska Fly Fishing Goods gets in on the Tongass fight
“We don’t have any more chances left. There aren’t any more Tongasses. This is an American forest, not an Alaskan forest. It belongs to every American."
Fly fishing in Alaska -- it’s a dream for many of us. If you’d like to make that dream come true, Brad Elfers is the go-to guy. Brad has owned Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in Juneau since 1998, and he knows fly fishing in Alaska. Brad has worked as a river guide, fly fishing guide…
Interview with Richard Louv
Richard Louv joined Trout Unlimited to discuss public lands, the pandemic and his newest book, "Our Wild Calling." Louv, a former journalist, is best known for his 2005 book, "Last Child in the Woods," which sparked an international movement to re-connect children with nature. Since then, he has also published "The Nature Principle," in 2011…
How TU chapters and 5 Rivers clubs can work together
Online training for chapters and councils planned Oct. 7 When I started TU’s 5 Rivers college program in 2011, I wasn’t exactly sure of the best way to move forward with involving college students in TU. I’d heard of the Rutgers TU Chapter that kept emerging and then disappearing, unable to make it more than…