TU salutes Water for Conservation and Farming Act
TU's Nell Scott with the first bull trout found in the reconnected reach of Oregon's Sun Creek after completion of a TU-led restoration project, Upper Klamath Basin. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has introduced the Water for Conservation and Farming Act, a bill that will provide a major boost to some of Trout Unlimited’s highest watershed…
What do critical minerals, big fish and your love life have in common?
I’m just going to go out on a limb here and guess the phrase “critical minerals” doesn’t mean much to you. In fact you might already be glazing over. But what if I told you that critical minerals helped you catch that monster brown you found lurking under that log – the one you pulled in with the beadhead dropper on…
TU’s Ziemer testifies before House Natural Resources Committee
Being invited to testify before Congress is a career highlight for anyone. Laura Ziemer, over her 22 years with Trout Unlimited, has received multiple such invitations, including a request to testify at today’s hearing of the Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee of the House Natural Resources Committee on the topic of Building Back Better: Water,…
Action on climate change moving ahead in Washington
If you ask anglers across America about changes they are observing in their favorite watersheds, it is a safe bet they can share concerning stories. Lower rivers caused by diminished snowpack, less rainfall and more frequent and intense droughts. Basins ravaged by wildfires and hotter summers that routinely elevate river temperatures above levels suitable for trout…
‘Climate change is water change’
Climate change is water change. A warmer climate impacts nearly every facet of the water cycle: increased evaporation and transpiration deplete water from the land, rivers, lakes, oceans, and forests. Warmer air retains more water that is later released through intense precipitation events that are more likely to cause flash flooding and run-off pollution.
By Chase S. Whiting As summer transitioned to fall, the sun hung eerily over the Adirondack Mountains and illuminated smoke that traveled some 3,000 miles from wildfires out West. Seeing the smoke reminded me that seemingly distant corners of the planet are in fact interconnected by our shared environment. In Vermont, the climate change story…
TU’s Science Week shares how we work smarter for conservation
Trout Unlimited is proud to announce our first TU Science Week starting Monday, Oct. 19. Join us for five days of social media postings including daily Instagram Live events (@troutunlimited), stories explaining various ways science is incorporated into the conservation and policy work we do and two science-themed film debuts produced by our own Josh…
Wildfire and climate change in Utah sparks conversation
By Andy Rasmussen This summer Utah has suffered through a near record wildfire season. And residents along the Wasatch Front have been breathing smoke from California’s four million burned acres for the past two months. Catastrophic wildfire on this scale can destroy everything Trout Unlimited works so hard to accomplish. High-country rivers and headwaters can…