Lower Snake plan: An opportunity, not a solution
To make a difference on the Lower Snake River, we need action from our decision makers. And fast
Last week, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration released the final environmental impact statement for future operations of the Columbia River System, including four dams on the Lower Snake River that have been proven to significantly reduce runs of salmon and steelhead into Idaho and far eastern…
Hiking the CDT: Long hikes in the rain and tent trouble
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…
When one door closes another opens
A lot of college internships have been cancelled this year because of the global pandemic. Bryce Larson, a senior at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, found herself in that boat but determined to explore her options. Her tenacity paid off by landing a Trout Unlimited summer internship working on a risk assessment for native Bonneville…
Trout Unlimited survey: Anglers worried about effects of climate change on trout
Increasing number of members supports steps to address climate impacts Nearly nine in 10 Trout Unlimited members acknowledge that climate change is happening, and three in four are worried about global warming, according to the third in a series of surveys conducted by TU's Climate Change Workgroup. The latest survey shows a steady uptick, with…
Innovative solutions solve low water issue on popular Western fishery
“The Provo River is a classic example of the power of partnerships. When a large corporation, traditional water users and managers, state fisheries professionals, and an angler conservation group can sit down and scheme about innovative solutions that’s a powerful potion.” Scott Yates, Director of TU’s Western Water and Habitat Program who has spent more than two decades watching streamflow restoration efforts expand around…
American Fisheries Society provides TU scientists a place of community
By Dan Dauwalter In these unusual and somewhat isolating times of Zoom meetings and working from home, I thought it would be interesting to reflect on and profile the professional development and global networking opportunities I’ve had over the last few years through the American Fisheries Society. I’ve been a scientist in TU’s Science Program for…
Senior art project focuses on Snake River cutthroat trout
By Sadie Ellerstein Editor's Note: This spring, Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited served as the community sponsor for Sadie Ellerstein's senior project at the Jackson Hole Community School. Her project draws inspiration from, and attention to, Snake River cutthroat trout and the Snake River watershed. The Snake River is commonly referred to as the “jewel of…