
Science | Page 3

  • Science

    Stream surveyors work now for the future

    The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer.

    Two men with equipment in a stream

    The plan, as so many good ones do, started over a beer.  Well, several beers.  “We’re going to be at Hunting Creek next Wednesday with the EPA,” my friend Jason Hill said, a couple hours into another friend’s birthday bash at the Starr Hill Pilot Brewery in Roanoke, Va. “You should come.”  “Absolutely,” I said,…

  • Conservation Community Science

    Every Bit Counts

    Cowboys along a fence line with cows and mountains in the background

    On a controversial river in a drying landscape, ranchers look to science, technology and the law to send just a little more water downstream. Jesse Kruthaupt’s dad found the family’s future ranch stretching along a place called Tomichi Creek nestled in a valley on the Western Slope of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. It was the late…

  • Climate Change

    TU projects fare well in Northeast flooding

    Rain water floods the side of a road, destroying the pavement

    When recent heavy rains pummeled the Northeast, the immediate priority was safety for the region’s residents.  Now that deadly flood waters have receded, New Englanders are grappling with both the emotional scars of the devastation to lives and property and assessing the damage and moving forward toward recovery.  Trout Unlimited seasonal stream technician Mo Ouren…

  • Science

    TU Goes to Spain

    A group of around two dozen people stand on a shady sidewalk

    Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe. On the banks of the Mediterranean Sea, some 75 salmonid scientists from around the world congregated at the Stream Salmonids Symposium VI in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The idea was to present their work to colleagues, share…

  • The True Cast Climate Change Trout Talk

    The True Cast – Why the United States is the Envy of the Fishing World

    There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day.

    A man's hands shown releasing a fish into the water

    There’s always much to celebrate on Independence Day. Sure, we’re living in divisive times and there are things that concern most of us for different reasons and in different ways in America these days. But the bottom line is that this collective “experiment in democracy” is still kicking (and then some) 247 years after a…

  • Science

    Technology Busts Barrier Hunting

    View into culvert as two back hoes dig dirt around it

    Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is helping TU’s restoration teams work more efficiently and effectively.   Removing barriers to fish passage is a big part of Trout Unlimited’s work across the country, but you might be amazed to learn how complicated finding culverts or low-head dams can be.   For years, TU staff has been heading…