Science leads to credible conservation
TU staff across the country and our programs utilize science daily As Trout Unlimited has grown and changed, we have been thinking a lot about what science means to our organization. It is an ever-evolving conversation, partly because we have an ever-growing staff applying science in their work. Whether hired specifically for TU Science or field programs, across the organization we now have, unbelievably, more than 30 staff with significant science backgrounds. We’ve grown…
Wildfire and climate change in Utah sparks conversation
By Andy Rasmussen This summer Utah has suffered through a near record wildfire season. And residents along the Wasatch Front have been breathing smoke from California’s four million burned acres for the past two months. Catastrophic wildfire on this scale can destroy everything Trout Unlimited works so hard to accomplish. High-country rivers and headwaters can…
TIC Cribs: the awesome new trout digs at the Trailside Museum in Cross River, N.Y.
Everyone is getting ready for 100 trout eggs arriving tomorrow at the Trailside Museum in Cross River, N.Y., and you can a sneak peak into the new digs that the trout will call home over the next eight months. The trout tank at the museum is ready for the eggs, which will arrive on Thursday,…
Restoring the Lower Snake
The final sign-off of a plan that would maintain the status quo for the Lower Snake River was no surprise last week. However, a letter from the Nez Perce Tribe declining a memorandum of understanding between the tribe, the Bonneville Power Administration, Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation reminded us what strong leadership…
Remembering Oak Brook’s fly-fishing Pied Piper, Fred Hodge
I first met Fred Hodge over a decade ago, when I was still new at TU and was on the road all the time, meeting chapter and council leaders and listening to their stories of teaching and mentoring kids. Fred and other Oak Brook TU members had a booth at a huge outdoor show in…
Plan and then plan again
The year 2020 has been a year of wrecked plans
The year 2020 has been a year of wrecked plans. Any sort of travel – cancelled. Celebrations with friends and family – done through Zoom. Even the regular trip to the grocery store or out to eat – reimagined with a mask and attempts at social distancing. This is even truer for me dealing with the ravages…
These hips don’t lie
Crawling around small creeks was an exercise in bad yoga, as I dragged myself to standing by grabbing branches and logs. When I finally had the hip examined, I was told what I already knew
Two summers ago, I agreed to join a backpacking trek with some friends I hadn’t seen since college. Our mission -- honoring the life of a mutual friend who’d passed away -- took us deep into the Sierra Nevada range, a 54-mile journey filled with golden trout and jaw-dropping views of ice-etched peaks and verdant hanging valleys. As…