Senate bills protect our rivers, address drought
Editor's note: This piece first appeared in the Albuquerque Journal. Often referred to as the hardest-working river in America, the Colorado River provides drinking water to 40 million people and irrigation water to 5.5 million acres of farm and ranch land across the Southwestern United States. According to the Washington Post, the upper reaches of…
Arizona conservation groups push for climate change action
Trout Unlimited has long been advocating for federal legislation on climate change, urging this effort to come from the top down, and in Arizona, we are pushing our members of Congress on this issue
In Arizona, sportsmen and women are witnessing changes to our landscape brought on by our warming climate. What little snowpack we have isn’t lasting through February, longer and dryer summers are leading to more catastrophic wildfires and our flora and fauna are suffering. All of this is having a direct effect on the ecosystems and wildlife we yearn to…
TU’s Conservation Hydrology program steps in to monitor and measure California streams
One of the fundamental precepts of science is that, to understand a phenomenon or a system, it is necessary to observe change over time, the rate of change, and the influence of causal factors. In other words, to monitor and measure. Yet frequently resource managers are stretched too thin to do consistent monitoring of salmonid…
Learn about the Upper Deschutes watershed of Oregon virtually
New Trout Unlimited story map created to connect students with iconic river Back in 2009, Trout Unlimited started an initiative for the Upper Deschutes watershed in Oregon with the desire to create projects and engage volunteers to help improve this important resource. We knew Central Oregon communities would want to be involved with hands-on restoration methods and sharing their voices for the river. We noticed…
COVID-19 closures helped clear the air but crowded fishing parking lots
Limited driving and reduced coal consumption around the world reduced air pollution and illustrated that changes in behavior could lead to lasting results By Jim Wilson I live in a land without trout streams, so fishing locally during the first two months of the coronavirus pandemic meant no trout fishing. COVID-19 related closures kept me off the…
Trout Unlimited volunteers fan out to survey Wilson Creek in North Carolina
Armed with mountains of scientific data, Trout Unlimited is starting to dig into reconnection and stream restoration efforts in a large, important watershed in western North Carolina. Over the past year, carefully trained TU volunteers fanned out across the Wilson Creek watershed to survey the condition of Wilson Creek and its many smaller tributaries. Volunteers…
British Columbia mining along the transboundary rivers of Southeast Alaska
As the locals are busy preparing and repairing our nets, tying flies, climbing mountains, harvesting berries and smoking our salmon; the vibration of salmon season can be felt throughout Southeast Alaska. In the Southeast Alaska region, the Taku, Stikine, and Unuk Rivers form the backbone of the salmon culture. All are un-dammed, largely pristine and…