By the numbers on the Snake
Understanding the metrics used to evaluate and represent recovery of wild salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin is an exercise worthy of a Ph.D. From annual abundance numbers, to understanding Endangered Species Act delisting criteria, to smolt-to-adult return ratios (SARs) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) survival statistics, the numbers can…
It is finally September in Northeastern Oregon
It is finally September in Northeastern OregonAs the season changes, TU’s Andy Scheele thinks about time, restoration and steelhead returning to their home waters It is finally September in Northeastern Oregon; my favorite month of the year. The weather and foliage are changing. Elk are bugling in the mountains. Insects are burying their heads into…
Legendary Red Shed Fly Shop says the Lower Four should go
Legendary Red Shed Fly Shop says the Lower Four should go
Anglers talk a great deal about the incalculable importance of fly shops. While they’re great places to drop a few bucks on a new spool of tippet, a tube of floatant and a couple hot patterns, we’re talking about more than their value as retailers. A good fly shop is far more than that. The…
Snake River ambassador, Josh Warnick’s, journey to falling in love with the art of steelheading From first learning to fish in Mexico with makeshift reels made from plastic bottles and spare line to now guiding on some of the Olympic Peninsula and British Columbia’s most famed steelhead waters, Josh Warnick has spent his life fishing…
Time to go all in
Current efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake It’s high time we admit we got it wrong; salmon and steelhead cannot survive in a highly modified river system like the lower Snake River. Despite our best intentions, the facts remain the same: Chinook salmon, steelhead and sockeye…
Clearwater Daze
A pair of Great Lakes spey anglers share their love for Idaho’s Clearwater River, its big steelhead, and their support for breaching the Lower Snake River Dams Idaho steelhead are just built differently. They have a special kind of folk hero status in my brain, partly driven by their “Mariners and Mountaineers” reputation. Even the…
Love and Connection
Ask north Idaho Spey anglers to describe what wild steelhead mean to them and you will get 100 rambling, mostly incoherent responses. But you will hear common themes: love and connection, unadulterated, unconditional, tough, infinite love and a longing for connection with the gamest fish in freshwater, not to mention the rivers and wild places…