Put, take … and eat
Early season trout fishing on the high desert of Idaho
There’s a little desert trout stream that catches runoff from the Bitterroot and Lemhi ranges in eastern Idaho, and it’s easy to get to, even during spring “mud season.” The creek isn’t anything terribly special, really. It’s managed for water delivery and as a put-and-take fishery—its habitat is pretty marginal, given its high gradient and…
New TU film on Elwha River wild steelhead recovery premieres April 17
Bases-loaded home runs are few and far between in the river restoration game. But for summer run steelhead, those mysterious and long-distance traveling cousins to winter run O. mykiss, that’s what happened when two dams on Washington’s Elwha River were removed over the past decade. While the rebound of salmon and winter run steelhead in…
California certifies Klamath dam removal meets water quality standards
On April 7, the long effort to restore the Klamath River and its once-prolific salmon and steelhead runs passed another major milestone when the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) issued its Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification for the removal of the Lower Klamath Project. The Lower Klamath Project includes the…
Fishing lore, wisdom and humor are an antidote for troubled times.
I’ve long felt that standing in moving water feels purgative. So in troubled times my mind turns ever to fishing, especially for trout, in the clean, cold waters in which they thrive. But I’ve not done any wading lately, in any sort of water, even though it’s possible under California’s “Shelter In Place” rule. Call…
Surf candy
Fly fishing on both coasts for striped bass wouldn't be the same without Bob Popovic's Surf Candy. It's one of the best patterns anglers can use for stripers that are crushing bait in the salt, and even for fish that are migrating upriver en route to spawning water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBkSZoX-TMo Tim Flagler ties the Surf Candy…
The spey cast, part two
On the whole, the spey cast looks a lot harder than it really is. But there is an art to it, and RIO's Simon Gawesworth has mastered that art. For a good spey cast to occur, a lot of little things have to come together, and if you've never spey casted before, it likely looks…
The spey cast, part one
For some of us long-time trout anglers, the idea of spey casting on trout water used to seem kind of pointless. Who needs to throw that much line, for crying out loud? Well, honestly, you do. And so do I. So, if we don't know how to spey cast, it's time we learn, right? The…