We Are TU: Meet Morgan Stum
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. Thanks to initiatives such as TU’s decades-old Women’s Initiative – now Diversity and Inclusion Initiative – and those of our partners, new…
Magic materials: Antron
Serious fly tiers have known about the "magic" of Antron for some time, and Tim Flagler is clearly a big fan, as you'll see in the video below. I like to tie with Antron (and other synthetic materials), but I also recognize that this nylon fiber doesn't necessarily break down readily in the environment (it…
The Michigan Arctic grayling
Grayling are a tough fish to reintroduce to former habitat. For a long time, it was assumed that once the sailfish of the north winked out of a certain watershed, they were gone for good. Over the last 20 years, though, grayling reintroduction in Montana has shown promise. And, in just the last five years,…
Still on top
Efforts to fix habitat are as much for people as they are for the planet It’s legislature season in New Mexico, a time I’ve come to abhor for how it represents my species and, perhaps more likely, my deficiencies as a chess player. Sausage making is a circus, spectacular flights of ethical and logical acrobatics…
Missouri launches Blue Ribbon Trout Slam
By Kyle Pokorny Anglers creating a list of states to fly fish for wild rainbow trout on pristine streams will not likely consider Missouri as a worthy candidate. However, you would be remiss to leave Missouri off the list entirely. The state of Missouri has within its borders nine Blue Ribbon streams that are home…
Last Cast Lodge to host 12th annual Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy
Trout Unlimited Alaska is excited to announce that Last Cast Lodge in Igiugig (AK) will host the 12th annual Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy from June 5-13, 2020. The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy is a week-long, professional training program intended to bring local youth from Southwest Alaska in to the robust and growing recreational fishing…
Spawning brookies in Moosehead Lake offer hope in the face of challenges
The headline was an attention grabber, and the story went viral almost instantly: “Monster Brook Trout Are Spawning on Moosehead Lake’s Shore.” Based on my Facebook feed about half of my angling acquaintances immediately made plans for winter ice fishing or shoreline trolling right after ice out next May. Maine’s Moosehead Lake is legendary. The largest…