Skate punks and disc golf
In praise of urban trout streams The thought occurred to me while I was fishing under the Highway 20 bridge over the lower Yuba River in California’s Gold Country. To reach the water I had crossed a floodplain so altered by quarrying, mining and off-road vehicles that it more resembled a moonscape than a functional…
Big water, big fish, big fun at Tailwater Lodge
Pop quiz: OK, grab a map and point to Altmar, N.Y. That’s what I thought. I couldn’t do it either. But people who know fishing in upstate New York can do it in (forgive me) a New York minute. The Salmon River in Altmar is one of the greatest salmon and steelhead fishing destinations in…
Broad coalition urges Northwest governors to action on salmon, steelhead
Editor's note: The following was delivered today to Govs. Kate Brown (Ore.), Steve Bullock (Mont.), Jay Inslee (Wash.) and Brad Little (Idaho) from a coalition power companies, conservation groups, the transportation sector and community utility coops. Feb. 24, 2020 Dear Governors Brown, Bullock, Inslee and Little: The debate over the management and impacts of the…
The drawing of the trout is from the hand of a small child. The description even more so: “This was the first fish I ever cot [sic] on a rod. When I first felt the feeling of reeling in the fish, I was amased [sic].” In the span of 15 years, Jeremy Brooks’ writing and…
Mousing the Aniak
Oh, to be Brian O'Keefe for a day last summer in western Alaska. O'Keefe served as Todd Moen's fishing subject in Moen's new short film, "Alaska Fly Fishing with a Mouse," that's been crawling the interwebs with a vengeance over the last few days. And rightly so—the footage of massive Alaskan rainbows erupting beneath mouse…
Orvis Pro Insulated Hoody
The Russians say that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. That’s why I don’t agree with my friends in Arizona who say that the heat of their summer is just the obverse of the cold of our Midwest winters. Nonsense. You can only legally take off so much clothing in…
House passes public lands bill, conserves key habitat and famous fisheries in California
The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California. This week, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act. This legislation includes three bills that Trout Unlimited has worked for years with our local…