Getting out there
Allegra, Grant and I emerged from the densely wooded trail, stepping out onto the wooden bridge for our first view of Resurrection Bay. Mountains jutted up from the water as the evening sun shone through Tonsina Creek Valley, and ravens flew overhead. Spawning silver and chum salmon pooled up in riffles below us, and our…
Tierra del Fuego’s Rio Grande
So you like brown trout? Nahuel Stauch has the fish for you. And thanks to Todd Moen at Catch Magazine, you can get a look at what is likely the largest population of sea-run brown trout on the planet in the Rio Grande of Tierra del Fuego. Stauch, the guide for Scottish angler Gordon Armstrong,…
Seedskadee an oasis in the Wyoming high desert
Sunset on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Paul Burnett/Trout Unlimited Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during September — the month is tailor-made for…
The Clean Water Act: An American success story
Editor's note: This column was originally published in the Washington Post on Sept. 23, 2019 The announcement that the Environmental Protection Agency was scrapping Obama-era rules designed to protect small streams and wetlands made me recall a misty morning this spring on the Potomac River above Georgetown. I brought a striped bass, locally known as…
We’re all landowners
It’s no spectacular feat of modern engineering, but it represents one of the greatest achievements in the history of conservation. The Roosevelt Arch, constructed to mark the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park just outside of Gardiner, Mont., captures the essence of public lands protection in America, and it’s a threshold every American should have…
The downstream mend
Many of us, particularly those who walk and wade with a fly rod in hand, incorporate the upstream mend in order to get a better, longer drift when we're nymphing or floating a dry fly through fishy water. But for anglers who are swinging streamers or soft-hackles, the downstream mend needs to be a part…
Painting the picture of Pebble Mine
Many of us know that like painting, fishing is an incredible art that has the power to tell stories of ecosystems, landscapes and cultures. In Alaska, we are lucky to have partners who are passionate about both. Spelman Evans Downer, a Cooper Landing-based artist and former fly fishing guide, has been working on a set…