Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Hillary Walrath
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Hillary Walrath Salinity Control coordinator for the Henry’s Fork of the Green River (daughters Aven and Susie) Aven and Susie My husband and I both work for TU in Green River, Wyo. We have two daughters, Aven (7) and Susie (4). I was fortunate enough to have been raised by amazing parents…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Donna Marcotte
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Donna Marcotte CCF Board Member, Land of Sky Chapter Member (mother Marguerite Gutman, daughter Anson) My mother never met an animal who didn’t love her; she was practically Dr. Doolittle. In addition to animals, she loved the outdoors and has felt most rooted to this earth by digging in its dirt. Mom…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Maggie Heumann
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Maggie Heumann Manager of Volunteer Operations (daughter Cricket) If you had told me I would have been included in a TROUT magazine feature with my daughter, as a TU employee, a year ago, I would have laughed. Seven years into marriage, I had (almost) resigned myself to not having kids, which was…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Dustin Wichterman
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Dustin Wichterman Associate director of TU’s Mid Atlantic Coldwater Habitat Program (daughter Brooklyn) Dustin and Brooklyn "The why?" It’s the sleepless newborn nights, looking out the window wondering what it will be like when you can take her. It’s putting her in a chest pack at 11-days-old and cautiously stepping into…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Tim Romano
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Tim Romano Photographer, TROUT contributor (daughters Mabel and Blair) While technically not a TU employee I have worked for the organization for many years as a contractor at both an ad sales position for TROUT media, as well as a contributing photographer/content creator to the magazine and online. I do believe my…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Ode to a fish loving father
Photo by Jenny Nichols Glennon Ode to a Fish Loving Father by Jenny Nichols Glennon It started perched on your hip.Watching as the fish would rise and dip.You’d point them outAnd then you’d say We’ll fish together, we will, someday. I tried to learn, I really didbut I just wasn’t that kid.It was less about catching…
Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Samantha Carmichael
Daughters of Trout Unlimited:Samantha Carmichael Deputy Editor of TROUT Magazine (daughters Penelope and Daphne) Daughters. I have watched my husband happily announce that I was expecting a girl twice in our marriage. Mouths smile, but eyes squint, and brows furrow, and comments range from “Another one?” to “Well, maybe number 3 will be a boy”…