Tangle Lakes
We were headed northbound for our second wedding anniversary. We had a van full of fishing gear and were set to explore fresh water that had been on the hit list for years. My wife, Brittney, and I were all smiles. What started as a seemingly innocent rhythmic vibration in a wheel upon rolling into…
TU urges Tipton to improve REC Act
Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton is drafting a public lands bill to safeguard places sacred to sportsmen and women in qestern Colorado. Trout Unlimited is working closely with other members of Colorado’s elected delegation on the CORE Act to provide protections critical for fish, wildlife, and public lands, and it looks forward to working with the 3rd Congressional District leader to explore additional options that are favorable to all…
The dead Grande Ronde
Editor's note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to study the challenges facing the drainage's fisheries. At 4:30 a.m. we stumbled from our tents and into brisk chilly air. We zipped up our jackets, sipped hot coffee and ate warm oatmeal. After packing camp,…
Raising Them Right
Most recently, this little douse of hope arrived at the TU office in Anchorage.
By Nelli Williams As a parent, it often feels like a bit of a crapshoot when it comes to making decisions about raising kids. I am sure many of you who have been there (or are in the thick of it) are familiar with the little voice in your head that’s constantly questioning your moves. Was that the right…
When all else fails, teach the kids to fish
At a time of year when the state is supposed to be at the top of its game, the last few weeks have been tumultuous for Alaskans. If you follow the TU’s Alaska Program efforts in Bristol Bay, you know that we’ve had a roller-coaster couple of weeks with the close of the Pebble Mine…
Hopper-dropper fishing
With terrestrial season coming on strong throughout the country, it's an obvious time to start flinging a hopper-dropper rig. But what's the best way to do it? What knots make the most sense? How far below the high-floating hopper should the "dropper" nymph be? https://youtu.be/Nz7QQFOPemU The hopper-dropper rig. Here's a great short video from the…
Using different fly floatants
Not all fly floatants are created equally. What's more, not all fly floatants are appropriate for universal use on the water. For instance, CDC flies will do better if the angler applies a silicon-based floatant rather than a gel floatant. Bigger flies might require a liquid floatant that can get down into the hairs used…