Desert carp
We had a great winter here in Idaho. Lots of high snow. And then spring arrived with buckets of rain in the valleys and more snow up high. We're closing in on the first day of summer, and our backcountry trout streams are still surging with runoff. High water is a blessing and a curse…
Choosing deer hair for comparadun flies
Tying comparadun mayfly imitations is my least-favorite endeavor at the vise. Generally, I leave this method to the pros, like Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions. But Tim is convincing me to give it another shot. For me, working with deer hair is a real pain—maybe it's big fingers or the simple lack of fine dexterity…
Summer steelhead on a skated fly
Editor's note: This is the second of two posts on skating flies for summer steelhead from the director of TU's Wild Steelhead Initiative. Go here to read the first. Recently, I shared some thoughts on the gear, techniques, and stream knowledge you might need to fish for summer steelhead with a skated fly—one of my…
How to double-haul
I was reminded this week of the importance of being a good caster and not getting too dialed into your more frequent fly-fishing targets. I live in eastern Idaho. Trout country. A long cast on a small backcountry trout stream might be 30 feet, and that's rare. But Idaho boasts more than trout, and this…
Bugs Unlimited
As TU founder Art Neumann famously stated, “Take care of the fish and the fishing will take care of itself.” But we’re predominantly fly fishing, after all. So what about the bugs? Who’s looking after them? As it turns out — on the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, anyway — the U.S. Geological Survey is doing just that. It may mark the dawn…
Get your boots wet for conservation
By Paul Burnett Trout Unlimited members often ask about opportunities to engage with active and ongoing conservation projects. Grassroots-based programs like willow planting and Trout in the Classroom are great ways to contribute, but are also seasonal in nature and volunteering to help with fish sampling efforts can be hit or miss. Many of our…
House Unveils Bill to Fully Fund LWCF
For immediate release June 12, 2019 Contact: Steve Moyer, (571) 274-0593, smoyer@tu.org Corey Fisher, (406) 546-2979, cfisher@tu.org House Unveils Bill to Fully Fund LWCF June 12, 2019 (Washington DC) — A bipartisan coalition introduced legislation Tuesday to permanently and fully fund the popular Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The move comes on the heels of the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, which…