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  • Skills: Fishing a hopper-dropper rig

    My friend Rob Parkins runs the fishing and hunting section at the Jack Dennis Outdoor World on the square in Jackson, Wyo., and he's a heck of an angler, as well as a RIO ambassador. Rob fishes the South Fork of the Snake often, as well as a number of waters here in eastern Idaho…

  • Delivering data to decision makers: The Idaho Water Tool

    By Sean McFall A recent collaboration between Trout Unlimited’s Idaho Water Project and Science Program will help ensure that projected impacts of climate change are incorporated into water resource work in Idaho. While there are many different threats to Idaho’s native fishes, the growing impacts of climate change are projected to be the greatest existential…

  • What do we have to lose?

    Native fish like the Gila trout pictured here can use support in political circles as much as in their rivers. Greg McReynolds/Trout Unlimited By Randy Scholfield Why don’t people care more about conservation and trout? And what can we do to change it? That was the pressing topic that kept coming up recently at the…

  • Why I #TUVolunteer

    Southern West Virginia chapter volunteers gather after the 20th Annual Elkhorn Creek Cleanup on April 15 in the community of Northfork, in McDowell County, W.Va. By Rob Shane When I was young, maybe 6 or 7, I had a tendency to act like a total brat — usually upset about not getting some toy that…