11.2 miles
The Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project site, post-construction and just prior to this winter's heavy rains. The roughened main channel and side channel will make it easier for coho and steelhead to migrate past the site. As record-breaking rains pounded northern California over the past three months, emphatically ending five years of extreme drought…
Madison Gallatin TU VSP Takes MSU Student Vets Fishing!
The Madison-Gallatin TU Chapter in Bozeman has developed a great relationship with the Montana State University Student Veterans Club. MSU Vets have volunteered to help MGTU run 3 chapter fundraising events and participated in a willow planting project as part of a chapter stream rehab project on a tributary of the Madison River. MGTU has…
MT Smith: Did you get your permit?
To everyone who drew a permit to float Montana's Smith let us be the first to say: Congratulations, you lucky son-of-a-gun. Not only are you about to embark on one of the country's most amazing floats, you have also earned the distinction of making nearly 10,000 hopeful applicants from across the country jealous of your…
11.2 miles
The Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project site, post-construction and just prior to this winter's heavy rains. The roughened main channel and side channel will make it easier for coho and steelhead to migrate past the site. As record-breaking rains pounded northern California over the past three months, emphatically ending five years of extreme drought…
Cleaning up the Shoshone River
A young volunteer moves one of the seemingly countless tires found in Shoshone River during a cleanup arranged by the East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited near Cody, Wyoming. Photo provided by the East Yellowstone TU Chapter By Brett Prettyman The Shoshone River near Cody, Wyoming, put off an impressive tire hatch over the weekend…
Short casts: Pike in the shallows, good water in the West, hope for Skagit steelhead
From ice out until late spring, pike are in the shallows and ready to hit a fly. Here in the Lower 48, it's prime time for pike. From ice out until lakes "turn over" in the late spring, pike can be found cruising the shallows of lakes and in the froggy water of rivers in…
Reforming mining in Montana
Above: Sheep Creek is an important tributary to Montana's Smith River. It is also the place a foreign mining company has their copper mine. There is a systemic problem with the hard rock mining industry in Montana. Too many times have we seen out of state and international hard rock mining companies come into Montana,…