TU Business Spotlight: Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC
By Walt Gasson Like any great company, Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC is about great people. Brian Cowden is one of those great people. Brian comes to Trout Scapes after being the VP of Sales and Marketing for a Montana based river restoration firm. Prior to that role, Brian worked at Trout Unlimited where he…
Short casts: Spring in Montana, steelhead in the Tongass, Minnesota expo
Every year about this time, I'm lured over Monida Pass into the Beaverhead drainage, and, inevitably, after a day or two of fishing, I go a bit farther. I'll venture from there, up the Big Hole to the Bitterroot, or maybe even farther north to Rock Creek, where I tell myself a sqwala might make…
Guess the river, win a prize
Do you love guessing games? I’ll admit I do. My love of guessing games might have been renewed because of my kids addiction to them recently. Our bookshelves are haphazardly lined with all sorts of guessing games and books. I’ve gone so far as to try to guess rivers while flipping through pages in a…
Big year for New England culvert team
By Colin Lawson The New England Culvert Program had a very successful 2016 field season completing over 10 restoration projects across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our team of three full-time and eight seasonal staff reconnected more than 17 miles of u pstream brook trout habitat, assessed over 1,800 road stream crossings for AOP and…
Mike Clark: Bamboo Master
Mike Clark has been building bamboo fly rods for 40 years. By Randy Scholfield When he started making split-cane bamboo rods 40 years ago, Mike Clark had no idea he could make a living from his hobby. “I built them to satisfy my fishing interests,” he says. Then, one day, a man wandered into his…
Gear test: Solve the mystery bird call with Song Sleuth
Identifying that mystery bird call is only a recording away with a new app. Courtesy photo. By Brett Prettyman There are few things that can distract me while fishing. I tend to tune everything out except the sounds of the water and wildlife. Watching certain species of birds flying erratically over the river has tipped…
Short casts: Chum fry in Puget Sound, angler science, Upslope IPA
It's a hot time to be fly fishing the river mouths and estuaries of Puget Sound. The annual run of chum salmon fry from rivers and streams down to the salt water is under way, and waiting for them at river mouths and in estuaries will be a host of predators, including sea-run cutthroat trout.…