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  • Bill honoring steelhead legends reintroduced

    Senator’s Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley reintroduced legislation today that would protect one of the country’s best remaining populations of wild steelhead. The “Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area” bill will safeguard more than 100,000 acres of habitat on the famed North Umpqua. “Trout Unlimited applauds the determined leadership of Oregon Senators’…

  • Photo tips: Tackling time-lapse

    Picture this. You’re sitting on a rock, tailgate or a patch of nice ground along the river’s edge either by yourself or with good companionship. It’s been a long day on the water and the sun is making it’s daily move behind the clouds and the mountains. There’s always that one person, usually me, that…

  • New film highlights those who guard our waters

    By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited and its volunteers aren’t content to simply talk about the importance of clean, cold water. We act. And that passion for action is what drives TU’s Eastern Shale Gas Monitoring Program. The program engages, trains and supports citizen scientists who monitor their local streams to identify and limit the potential…

  • Steelheaders should stand up for small streams

    By John McMillan When we steelhead anglers think of steelhead water, we think of big, muscular rivers like the Skagit, Umpqua and Eel. We don’t usually think of small streams we can step across or even streams that go dry in the summer. We should. Those s mall streams -- even ones that intermittently go…

  • Clean Water Rule Rollback – Statement of Chris Wood & Rob Masonis

    170228_TU_Chris Wood Statement CWRule Rollback.pdf Rollback of Clean Water Rule could impact steelhead recovery in Pacific Northwest TU underscores importance of protecting small streams for fish and wildlife as rule is evaluated CONTACT: Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited / 307.757.7861 (Feb. 28, 2017) Washington D.C. – Today President Trump signed an executive order that…