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  • Transfer=Sale Rings True In Idaho

    Tell Congress why public lands matter. Sign the petition. During our 30 days of Public Lands campaign last September, we detailed how with pu blic lands TRANSFER = SALE. Although land transfer advocates argue better management, more access and local control, the simple fact is state land agencies have a long history of selling off…

  • Green Anchors: Getting the lead out

    up·cy·cle (əpˌsīkəl), verb 1. reuse discarded objects or material in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original. By Walt Gasson Let’s assume for a moment that you fish. Pretty safe assumption, if you’re reading this. Then let’s assume that you fish from a drift boat.…

  • TU Business Spotlight: Trout on the Fly

    By Walt Gasson OK, show of hands: Who knows Nate Stevane? If you don’t, you should. Everyone knows that you can’t swing a dead cat in Montana, and not hit a fishing outfitter. But not everyone knows Nate Stevane from Trout on the Fly in Butte, Mont. I do, and if you fly fish you…

  • First phase of Rock Creek complete

    Trout Unlimited is working with Rock Creek Ranch owners, The Nature Conservancy and the Wood River Land Trust, to restore river habitat that has been impacted by years of grazing. alt="" title="" />The Rock Creek Ranch, located near Hailey, was purchased in 2014 by The Nature Conservancy and the Wood River Land Trust from private…

  • Supporting Environmental Education in Idaho Schools

    Kids mixed powdery reagents into test tubes of river water then held their samples toward the light as they spun color wheels. As they matched the water’s color to a color on the wheel, they identified a measurement of pH or another water quality indicator. The scene had elements of a chemistry class, but was…

  • Deer Creek Post-Fire Restoration Gets Blaine County Support

    The Blaine County Commission has provided $465,000 from its Land, Water, and Wildlife Fund to assist with restoration of the Deer Creek drainage. About 70 percent of the drainage was ravaged by a lightning-sparked fire in August 2013. Severe rains immediately after the fire triggered debris flows and mudslides, clogging Deer Creek with sediment, shifting…