Short casts: Help stock trout in PA, salmon in Michigan, wild trout in Virginia
A Mossy Creek brown trout. Photo courtesy Mossy Creek Fly Fishing. Not everyone is lucky enough to live next to a naturally reproducing trout stream, even in a state like Pennsylvania, where wild trout waters are generally quite plentiful, and designations of new wild trout waters are growing. For instance, many anglers around Potstown are…
Tracking trout in the wilds of Vermont
By Mark Taylor Scientists tend to have a pretty simple philosophy about data: More is better. So Jud Kratzer can be forgiven for not hurriedly working up a paper on results he’s seeing while surveying streams in Vermont, where he has been studying the effects of habitat restoration work on brook trout populations. After all,…
Madison Gallatin TU VSP and Montana State U Veterans
Thank you to Dave Kumlien, Robert Allen, and all those associated with Madison Gallatin Trout Unlimited for your generous donation to the Student Veteran's Club @ MSU. We appreciate it and plan on paying it forward! Good things to come in the near future! We'll keep you all posted! If your Chapter is interested in…
National Monuments: A Sportsmen’s Perspective
title="application/pdf" />national_monuments_report_final.pdf Original blog post: http://www.tu.org/press-releases/sportsmen-present-path-forward-for-national-monument-proposals
Traditions: In search of fur and feathers
Taylor's Sneaky Coyote. By Mark Taylor I’m off in a bit on a quest for fly-tying materials. Usually this mission involves a short drive down to the local Orvis store or nearby Sportsman’s Warehouse. But this time of year, it means I’m headed to the woods, bow or gun in hand. I wouldn’t go so…
For sale by Congress: YOUR LANDS
Congress has only been in session for a few weeks, but some members have wasted no time coming after America’s best idea – your public lands. On day one, the House of Representatives passed a rule change that eased procedural hurdles for handing over America’s public lands. Then we saw legislation introduced that would allow…
Short casts: Big fish in PA, mid-south tailwaters and “getting there”
Cruising the Rio Yelcho enroute to some prime big-trout holding water. Anglers in Pennsylvania will get the chance to catch larger trout in six new waters that are a part of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Comission. How big? The Keystone Select Stocked Trout Program will have a total of 14 streams throughout the state…