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  • Tracking trout in the wilds of Vermont

    By Mark Taylor Scientists tend to have a pretty simple philosophy about data: More is better. So Jud Kratzer can be forgiven for not hurriedly working up a paper on results he’s seeing while surveying streams in Vermont, where he has been studying the effects of habitat restoration work on brook trout populations. After all,…

  • Madison Gallatin TU VSP and Montana State U Veterans

    Thank you to Dave Kumlien, Robert Allen, and all those associated with Madison Gallatin Trout Unlimited for your generous donation to the Student Veteran's Club @ MSU. We appreciate it and plan on paying it forward! Good things to come in the near future! We'll keep you all posted! If your Chapter is interested in…

  • Traditions: In search of fur and feathers

    Taylor's Sneaky Coyote. By Mark Taylor I’m off in a bit on a quest for fly-tying materials. Usually this mission involves a short drive down to the local Orvis store or nearby Sportsman’s Warehouse. But this time of year, it means I’m headed to the woods, bow or gun in hand. I wouldn’t go so…

  • For sale by Congress: YOUR LANDS

    Congress has only been in session for a few weeks, but some members have wasted no time coming after America’s best idea – your public lands. On day one, the House of Representatives passed a rule change that eased procedural hurdles for handing over America’s public lands. Then we saw legislation introduced that would allow…