New National Monument in Maine’s North Woods will protect priceless coldwater habitat
TU is lauding President Obama's designation of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine as a permanent protection for priceless native fish habitat. The monument area and the adjacent State of Maine-owned Baxter State Park combine to form a world-class trout resource conservation area. Lying within the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument…
Yellowstone River Closed
Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks announced today they would close the Yellowstone River to stem the spread of a parasitic disease killing whitefish. The closure is supported by Trout Unlimited and its state affiliate, Montana Trout Unlimited. Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD), is one of the most serious diseases to impact whitefish and trout and can…
What’s in a Forest Plan?
In 2012, the U.S. Forest Service adopted new rules guiding management planning for the nation's national forests and grasslands. Three national forests in California-the Sierra, Sequoia, and Inyo-were among a handful of national forest units nationwide to put the new planning rules into effect. The three "Early Adopter" forests in California have now prepared a…
TU’s Teen Summit – engaging young “conserve-angler-ists”
The 5th Annual TU Teen Summit was held ner Missoula, Montana in 2016. By Franklin Tate Indulge me as I borrow a page right out of David Letterman's Late Night playbook and come up with 5-plus-5 of the Headwaters Program's shiniest stars. Nearly every working stiff has been asked the question, "What's your favorite part…
Reflections from the Teen Summit | Gavin
A Fence Stands In The Sticks by Gavin Nupp The Trout Unlimited Teen Summit this year was for me one of excitement, exploration, and experience. I started my journey to the Summit at the same place as all of my fellow Summiteers: my Home. My parents and I left for my home state of Ohio's…
Dozers for Coho
An ambitious project on Mill Creek, a key tributary to the Russian River, aims to re-open access to 11 miles of prime habitat for Coho salmon and steelhead. It seems counterintuitive to welcome the sight of large bulldozers hard at work in a salmon stream. But on occasion the presence of 'dozers in a stream…
Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited Pocono Creek Project Phase 1 Update
On Thursday June 16, 2016 and Saturday June 18, 2016, members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited contracted All Construction and Repair (http://poconosexcavation.com/) to place rocks that had been previously donated by Northampton Community College (https://www.northampton.edu/) in a section of the Pocono Creek owned by the Pocono Heritage Land Trust (http://www.phlt.org/). A portion of…