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  • Chris Wood’s full testimony “fire borrowing”

    November 5, 2015 Testimony of Trout Unlimited to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry hearing on: Wildfire: Stakeholder Perspectives on Budgetary Impacts and Threats to Natural Resources on Federal, State and Private Lands. Chairman Roberts, Ranking Member Stabenow, and Committee Members: My name is Chris Wood. I am the President and CEO of…

  • Finding a stream for Greenbacks

    Photos: Tim Toohey, West Denver Chapter By Jeff Florence The small creek along Herman Gulch in the mountains west of Denver may not seem like much, and in some places it's no more than two feet wide. But it's still able to maintain a strong ecosystem that allows cutthroat trout to survive. After much consideration…

  • Finding trout as Salmon Kill restoration gets under way

    Restoration construction efforts on this section of the Salmon Kill were almost complete when this picture was taken. Trout stream restoration projects can make a big immediate visual impact, but the real payoff comes over time. Still, it was a nice surprise when crews doing some stream sampling work at a restoration site on Connecticut's…

  • Brookies to benefit from Nissitissit dam removal

    By Robert Shane When we think of dams, especially dam removals, we think BIG; we think the Elwha and the Penobscot and the Snake. We imagine monstrosities of concrete and steel blocking important trout and salmon spawning waters. This plight, however, is not secular to big dams. In the state of Massachusetts there are over…

  • TU completes Horse Brook culvert project in Catskills

    The new bridge opens up 2.3 miles of high-quality habitat on this important Beaverkill tributary. By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited has completed the Horse Brook Culvert Replacement Project in New York, replacing an antiquated double barrel culvert with a new single span bridge. The culverts were undersized, perched and a barrier to fish passage. Horse…

  • New hope for Yuba River salmon and steelhead

    By Chandra Ferrari Theodore Roosevelt once said, “[d]o what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Many colorful quotes have been attributed to him but this is one of my favorites. It cautions against waiting for the perfect situation and moment to arise before moving forward. You could be waiting a long time.…