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  • Lifelong love affair

    Childhood days spent wandering and fishing California's South Fork Kings River became the foundation of a man's life as a sportsman-conservationist. By Bill Templin You probably have one of those places in the Great Outdoors that you've been visiting since you were very young. For me it's the South Fork Kings River.SFKingsRiver@oldSwimminHole_Templin.jpg (L) The "old…

  • Redbands: Fish of the desert

    A Better Path: Stewardship of the Metolius River Video of A Better Path: Stewardship of the Metolius River Editor's note: Happy Trout Tuesday! This is part of an ongoing series looking at an incredible and underloved species of fish - the interior redband trout - and a recently signed Conservation Agreement that will promote conservation…

  • Rio Grande del Norte at One Year

    On the morning I heard that President Obama designated the Rio Grande del Norte as a national monument, I had joined about forty people for the annual stocking of Rio Grande cutthroat fingerlings - New Mexico's state fish - in the Rio Grande gorge. My compatriots hadn't yet heard the great news, and it was…

  • The Pescadero Dilemma

    Early February 2014: annual steelhead kill, Pescadero Creek lagoon By Tim Frahm Consider the Pescadero Dilemma. Threatened steelhead die every year, in significant numbers, in the Pescadero Creek lagoon on the Central Coast of California. Everyone knows why and how to fix the problem. The angling community is ready and waiting to help. But for…

  • Meditations on wool and neoprene

    Tim Frahm in his beloved wool and neoprene on Pescadero Creek. By Tim Frahm Let's see, what do I need here. Oh yeah. Start with 5262s (size 6 and 8), gold bead (5/32"), spun mohair, palmer hackle... Like most rod and gun nuts I know, I've got important dates marked off in my calendar. But…

  • Headwaters

    Video Puts Words into Motion for Headwaters Program Sometimes it is downright difficult to put something into words. Try as you might, you can't take a personal experience and capture it in sentences or paragraphs. Language up and fails you, neglecting to convey, translate or relate. Such was my challenge as director of TU's Headwaters Youth Program. Summer after summer, I've attended…